The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Bill Barclay, Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bob Ristinen and Bob Champ), Richard Lyons (legal) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering).
The minutes from the last meeting were tabled until the next meeting.
Because there were no members of the public present at the meeting it was decided to move the budget hearing to after the old business on the agenda.
Bob Farmer contacted Mary Wagner, who has been doing bookkeeping for the Hoover Hills Water District. She can do everything but the accounting for $300 per month (estimate for 2002). A two part motion was made by Bob Farmer and seconded by Bob Ristinen to:
A discussion ensued on meter reading and water testing and these tasks would be hired out to separate people and this would be decided at a later date.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Bob Farmer will open a corporate account for the East Boulder County Water District with Heritage Bank and will get the signature cards signed by the board members. The account must be qualified for public deposits. The monies from the PPWD for finding water will be deposited in this account. Invoices should be sent to Bob Farmer and the rest can be sent to Mike Deck until the district gets an appropriate address for mailings.
No agreement with Engineering (Terry Kenyon) has been ratified.
A discussion of District Boundaries ensued. Sam Forsyth (assessor’s office) contacted Mike Deck and requested a faxed copy of the court order which Mike faxed to him. A number of properties should be added to the assessor’s list. The corrected district list of properties has now been sent to the necessary governmental entities. This amended list of properties should increase the assessed valuation of the district and thereby affect the mil levy imposed.
Outlots were discussed as to how they would be handled in the district with respect to standby charges and tap fees. Nonbuildable outlots would not be charged but would be included in the assessed valuation.
Overall, the correct list of properties in the district is getting squared away so a correct assessed valuation can be determined. This should be determined early next year.
A discussion also ensued on how we should treat single lots with multiple dwelling requiring water. This was put on Mike’s list of notes for future meetings.
The committee report on Lafayette Water related that the IGA from them has not yet been received. Bill Barclay will contact them to address the status of the IGA.
The other committees (finance and repayments) had nothing to discuss at this time.
Bob Ristinen made the motion that the Board enters into a Public Hearing for purposes of the Budget. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and was unanimously approved by the Board.
The notice of the hearing was published in the Daily Camera on 11 Dec. 1999 and the proof of publication has been received and filed. No public comments were received in writing.
M. Deck presented the proposed budget. It was noted during the discussion that Lafayette is planning on raising their tap fees next year but it is believed that we are locked in to the tap fee noted in their communication to us. The tap fee and water rates will be stipulated in the IGA and should be reviewed by our legal counsel.
The assessed valuation was then discussed with regard to it’s increasing because of the properties added to the water district. This will lower the mil levy noted in the budget to some degree. The bond amount in the budget should be adequate at 34 mils providing no unforeseen rise in engineering costs.
It was decided that we should appropriate the maximum amount of the budget and then it would be possible to do line item transfers via board meetings.
It was also decided that it would be advantageous to have the bond hearing as early as possible so that we would be ready should interest rates be favorable.
A discussion of the line item concerning repayments to those people who donated money for finding water and are not included in the district ensued. A committee will be formed to identify those people and the amounts. It is surmised the amount will be less than the $30,000 appropriated.
No amount was budgeted for water usage because it is extremely doubtful that water will be available prior to the year 2001.
A motion was made by Bob Ristenin to adopt the budget and Bill Barclay seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved and the budget was adopted.
A motion was made by Bill Barclay to appropriate the amount so budgeted and the motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen. The motion was unanimously approved.
The legal documentation on the budget and the appropriation was signed by M. Deck and attested to by R. Champ and given to R. Lyons.
M. Deck then presented the budget message. It was decided we should be on a cash accounting basis. This budget message will go on our web page and will also be forwarded to the State of Colorado. It was also decided to include the word reimbursement for expenses for District business by board members.
The budget message was modified to include the decision by the board to partially pay up to $5000 of the Lafayette tap fee. A motion was made by Bob Farmer to adopt the budget message as modified. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved by the board.
The budget and budget message will be sent to the Division of Local Governments by R. Lyons and a copy will be sent to R. Champ for filing.
Bob Farmer moved to close the budget hearing. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the board to close the budget hearing.
A motion was made by Bill Barclay to allow Bob Farmer (treasurer) to open a checking and savings account for the EBCWD at Heritage Bank requiring two signatures for expenditures and to authorize the deposit of the monies from the formation committee for the purpose of finding water. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and passed unanimously by the board.
The by-laws will be addressed at the next meeting.
The inclusion process was discussed. It would be advantageous to defer this until we have a number of inclusions because it involves a public hearing. It was decided to set the date for inclusions in March and Dick Lyons will provide the process for inclusions in January.
Terry Kenyon will fax those lots that would be advantageous financially to include in the district to Bill Barclay so that Bill can contact them about being included in the district.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bill Barclay and the meeting was Adjourned at about 5:40 PM.
The above is submitted by the secretary…..Bob Champ, 21 December 1999.