East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

21 August 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:07 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bill Barclay, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and R. A. Ristinen), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). No members from the public were present at the meeting.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the previous meeting (17 July 2000) were discussed and several minor errors were noted. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report:

Bob Farmer handed out a balance sheet, profit and loss year to date comparison and profit and loss budget vs. actual with the % of budget remaining. $120,000 of the residents initial tap fee payment was sent to Colotrust. Our present balance is $220,472 and of this, $160,000 will be forwarded to Colotrust by wire transfer. This will ensure that monies are appropriately received as a fax is issued upon completion of the transfer.

Bob Farmer has talked to Doug Short and Bob Wright (Lafayette) to set up a wire transfer pathway between EBCWD, Colotrust and Lafayette. As a side note, during Bob Farmer’s discussions with Doug Short, Doug said that Lafayette tap fees might go to $30K after the first of the year. Our tap fees would be slightly less than that but not a significant amount.

Mary Wagner is addressing the location of the interest payment on the bonds and she will report on where this item is budgeted at the next meeting. The contributions from the formation committee for finding a source of water total about $14,800 and most of the money came from residents in the district. An effort will be made to locate those contributors outside the district so that their money can be refunded.

Terry will look into itemizing invoices for work done with respect to the engineering work (soils, mapping, etc.).

Discussion ensued on the mil levy that would be needed for making the bond payment including interest. Dick Lyons explained the process for deriving the appropriate mil levy, which may be on the order of 25 to 27 mils. This value will be certified in Dec. and will be present on the property tax bills in Jan.

Engineering Report:

Terry Kenyon discussed the draft plans of the district, including the pumphouse. The Benchmark line will be utilized and easements and locates were discussed. It is very important to contact Benchmark to discuss easements, well, etc. It was decided that Bill Barclay would contact Benchmark (Tim Hughes) regarding a transfer of assets (money, easements, property, wells and water rights). Bob Ristinen will investigate a similar transfer of assets with respect to the Apollo System. According to Dick Lyons these can be accomplished via a quitclaim deed. Mike will contact the pumphouse lot owner to discuss easements, etc. with respect to that lot. The use of a dual system (using wells for irrigation) was discussed as a possibility for the future.

It was also discussed that we keep in mind future upgrades to the water system that would improve the total system (e.g. Water storage tanks to 100,000 gallons). Terry will note what they feel would be the optimum system for the water district.

The draft plans and the specifications will become part of the bid package. Dick Lyons will review the general conditions in the bid package. It is surmised that the bidding process could begin by the end of September and that water could be available by the end of May 2001.


Dick Lyons had a handout on tax cut 2000. Tax Cut 2000 will not affect us as a water district because we do not have a general property tax.

Dick also discussed the Enterprise situation. Because we have the capability of generating revenue it is prudent to become an Enterprise. Dick had a resolution, which would establish us as an Enterprise. This would entail that the same board of directors would exist for the water district and the Enterprise and a separate set of books would exist for both entities. Money transfer can occur between the entities within certain guidelines. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we adopt the resolution establishing the East Boulder County Water Enterprise. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and was approved unanimously. The resolution was signed and sealed in the appropriate manner.

Dan Schommer of Watkins and Schommer CPAs, Greeley, CO, has been invited to our October meeting as our candidate for auditor. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we request an engagement letter from him engaging him as the auditor for our books. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously. Mike will contact Dan to effect this decision.

Old Business:

Formation Committee Contributions:

A note will be sent to contributors specifying contributions and asking for them to elucidate discrepancies. The information so garnered will give us an accurate list of contributors so that we can appropriately handle the refunding of money.

2001 Budget Process and Calendar:

In our next meeting we should appoint a budget officer who will be responsible for putting together the draft budget for approval in November.


The rules/regulations/fees should also be finalized for the budget. Terry and Dick have these for other districts, which we will consider in arriving at the appropriate conditions, along with the Lafayette rules/regs/fees.

Public Records

A file cabinet has been obtained for keeping public records and will be kept at the residence of the secretary.

New Business:

Charter Tap Payments

Sixty-seven residents have submitted their payments as of 21 August. By August 28th we should have a list of who has not paid and contact them advising them of the penalty for not paying as a charter tap member. It was also discussed whether the district should buy some of the taps for further distribution. The possibility of doing this will be discussed with Lafayette (Bill Barclay) and a special meeting will be held to further discuss the charter taps. A special meeting will be held on Wednesday, 30 August at 5pm at St Ambrose Church to finalize the charter tap issue and finalize the payment amount to Lafayette.

Directors Comments:

On line access to bills was brought up as a topic for further discussion.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bill Barclay, unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 6:11 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, Aug. 22, 2000