East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Special Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

30 August 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 5:00 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bill Barclay, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and R. A. Ristinen) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper). Public attendees were Fred Linder and Ken Schwartz.

Secretary’s Report:

The approval of the minutes of the previous meeting (21 August 2000) was tabled to the next meeting.

Public Comments:

Ken Schwartz recently purchased a home on 7444 Empire Dr., which is currently outside the district, and he expressed interest in being in the district. Mike explained the inclusion process and will get Ken a form to start the inclusion process. This lot would be an in-fill so inclusion would be advantageous to both parties.

Fred Linder had questions regarding how the waterline would get to his property. It was decided that Mike would interface Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and he would get back to Fred on this matter.

Old Business:

Charter Tap Program:

Mike Deck had a hand out which listed the Charter Tap non-participants and the participants. 107 residents chose to participate in the Charter Tap Program. Those who did not choose to participate in the program will be mailed letters informing them that they are not in the program and that they will have to pay a full tap fee when and if they choose to have district water. All, except for one, of the non-participants are unbuilt lots.

A brief discussion ensued on whether the district would buy any taps for selling at a future date and it was decided that we would not do this primarily for financial reasons. However, because Lafayette’s tap fees are not going up until after the first of the year, a tap can be purchased before then for the $14,989 current fee.

We now owe Lafayette an additional $29,323 for water rights (7 x 4189) and $577,800 (107 x 5400) as the installment for the charter taps. This amount totals $607,323. We have previously paid Lafayette the water rights for 100 residences totaling $418,900 (100 x 4189). A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve payment of the Charter Tap Fee installment to Lafayette, to be paid September 1, 2000. Bill Barclay seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.


Mike had included a preliminary budget spreadsheet in the handout. He explained the spreadsheet and Bill Barclay volunteered to assume the responsibility of the budget officer. Mike will e-mail Bill the budget spreadsheet so that he can begin work.

Directors Comments:

It was decided to put Doug Short on our Newsletter mailing list so that he can stay up to date with the proceedings of the district.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bob Farmer, unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 5:58 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, Aug. 31, 2000