East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

18 December 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:08 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck Bill Barclay, Bob Champ and R. A. Ristinen), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper). The following people were present from the public: Renee Meade (representing Bob Farmer in his absence), Rick Moeller, Nicolas Bennett and David Farmer.

Public Comments:

Nick Bennett raised questions concerning placement of fire hydrants and fire protection to those who did not join the district. Discussion ensued about placement of the fire hydrants and whether there was anything that could be done to recoup water costs for putting out fires to those residences not in the district but protected by district water. Water costs would be minimal. This topic was tabled for further consideration.

Rick Moeller asked if we were still on schedule to provide water by 1 June 2000 and was told that as of this point we are on schedule to provide water by this date, although not all work will be completed by then (e.g. Paving, landscaping, etc.).

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 20 November 2000 meeting were discussed. Deleting a portion of the inclusion hearing referring to the meter and pit amended the minutes. These details would be taken care of in the participation agreement. A correction was also made referring to $1/ gallon, which should read $1/ 1000 gallons. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the amended minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the 28 November 2000 special meeting were discussed. Dick Lyons was noted as not being present at this meeting. A motion was made by Bob Champ that we approve the amended minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund and P&L budget vs. actual was handed out by Mary Wagner. Further discussion on the budget was deferred to later in the meeting when we would discuss the amended 2000 budget. Renee reported that 54 people have paid tap fees in full as of this date. Discussion ensued on what we will do with respect to those payments not received by 22 December. It was decided that Renee would get a list of those people who have not paid to Mike on Saturday the 23rd of December and then we could call those people on the 26th of December. Discussion ensued on what we should do if someone does not make the final payment on the tap. Because of the severe increase in the tap fee by Lafayette next year it was decided it would be prudent for the district to purchase the tap for future use. Penalties for not making the final payment were taken under advisement; however, it is hoped that all tap monies will be received by the 22nd of December.

Engineering Report:

Terry Kenyon reported that we have the Planning Commission meeting on the 20th of December. Dick, Terry and Mike will attend the meeting and will be prepared to answer questions. Greg Oxenfeld will make the staff recommendation and it was thought that there would not be any problems obtaining approval of the engineering plans. After obtaining this approval we can give our contractor the notice to proceed. Terry related that the contractor plans to commence work after 1 January 2001 with two crews. Issues with Lafayette were discussed and it was decided to inform them of the meeting and our intent to work with them on the issues that they brought up in a recent meeting with Mike and Terry. This issue then can be addressed at the Planning Commission meeting, should it arise.

Legal Issues:

Dick Lyons noted that we need to post the meeting location in January.

Unfinished Business:

Final Determination of Contributions to Formation Committee:

Mike Deck passed out the final listing of the contributors to the water district. The list had 5 names added to the previous list. These contributors were out of the district and will have their monies refunded in January 2001. Bill Barclay made the motion that we accept this list as final. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Rules and Regulations:

The rules and regulations were then discussed. The discussion centered on the connection from the meter to the residence and the materials and inspection requirements involved. Also discussed was the section on reimbursement. Mike had generated a list of possible changes to the document, which he had e-mailed to the board. Bob Ristinen will incorporate these in a subsequent draft, which will be reviewed in February. Installation of service lines will be the subject of a community briefing held prior to completion of the infra structure.

Participation Agreements:

Tabled to next meeting.

Status of Negotiations with Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo:

Dick Lyons, Mike and Bill will get necessary forms to Tim Hughes (Benchmark) so that we can obtain assets from them.

Hearing to amend 2000 Budget:

Because we had to accelerate tap fee payments to Lafayette we did not allow for those tap fees to come into our budget during 2000 and then to be paid out to Lafayette. This was the reason the budget had to be amended. Notice was published of our intent to amend the budget in the December 9th Daily Camera.

Bob Ristinen made the motion that we open the budget hearing to amend the 2000 budget. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mike passed out a spreadsheet of the 2000 budget and the projected 2000 budget. The spreadsheet was then discussed and corrections made where applicable.

Bob Ristinen made the motion that we approve the resolution to amend the budget. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The resolution will be forwarded to the Division of Local Governments.

The budget hearing was then closed.


New Business:

Lafayette Concerns:

Mike talked with Doug Short (Lafayette) and Doug expressed some concerns with our plans. Most of their concerns revolved around reliability and how it would reflect on them. In order of priority the concerns are:

  1. Storage: Their view (as is ours) is that the 37000 gallon storage is inadequate for fire flows.
  2. Second connection to Lafayette supply: This connection could be to South 68th Street or to South Boulder Road at Paragon.
  3. Long dead ends in the district: They expressed concern over the dead end at the end of Empire which may be looped to Spring Ct. They also expressed concern over the dead end at Benchmark.
  4. Undersized pipe in the district: Concern was expressed over undersized pipe (2 inch and 4 inch being included in Panorama Park).

These concerns were discussed as to which are economically feasible and how we would effect these improvements. Financing these improvements was also discussed via an increase in service charges.

To discuss how we would negotiate these concerns with Lafayette we decided that we would enter into an executive session.

Bill Barclay made the motion that we go into executive session to instruct Mike Deck on negotiating with Lafayette over their expressed concerns. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved unanimously.

Bill Barclay made the motion that we come out of the executive session. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Directors’ Comments:

Mike asked whether anyone was interested in voting for the nominating committee for the Board of Trustees for ColoTrust. No interest was expressed.

Also, Mike said that he would handle the Bonds that we are obtaining to insure the Board.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, December 19, 2000