East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
21 February 2000
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Bill Barclay, Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) was present. Richard Lyons (legal) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering) were absent.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes from the 17 January 2000 meeting were discussed and a motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Bill Barclay, seconded by R. Champ and approved unanimously.
Treasurers Report:
Bob Farmer passed out documentation certifying our (EBCWD) tax exempt status. This documentation specifying the account numbers is now on file as is the certificate of exemption for state taxes.
Discussion ensued about opening accounts with key businesses so that when purchases are made they would be tax exempt. Bob Farmer will do this with businesses that we will be doing business with often.
Mary Wagner then reported that we have $5101.55 in our checking account. Reimbursement for postage for mailing the newsletter was made to R. Champ.
Old Business:
Bond Hearing:
The offering statement by George K Baum has been received. This firm has been selected to handle the public offering of the bonds. The offering statement was reviewed by M. Deck and the key parties via a tele-conference and the date was set for a Bond hearing meeting on 6 March 2000 at 4:00 pm. The meeting place will be St. Ambrose Church. After board approval, closing will be a few days later and then the monies will be available to the District.
Committee Reports:
District Boundary:
The district boundary is now almost settled. There are still 6 discrepancies so that one more motion must be filed for adjustment to the boundary. We now have a list from the county, which is correct, and we have an assessed valuation based on that list.
Lafayette Water:
Bill Barclay reported on the status with Lafayette. He contacted Doug Short who said that the Lafayette attorney has been ill and this has delayed the IGA. Bill then contacted Dick Lyons (our attorney) to contact their attorney and try to assess the status of the IGA. Bill also told Doug that we would like to be forewarned prior to any rate increases and Doug agreed to this. Hopefully, an IGA will be available by the next regular meeting of the board.
Two petitions for inclusion have been received. Terry Kenyon should assess the cost of these inclusions and then the board will make the decision whether to accept these petitions. Bill Barclay will contact the possible infils, which would be advantageous to include in the district. The inclusions will be addressed at the regular March meeting. Mike Deck has maps of the district on Microsoft Word, which he will e-mail to the board members. There are 122 parcels of which 116 are buildable and 92 are built. The median residence square footage is 2875 sq. ft. The boundary must be certified by 1 May for tax purposes. This mandates that we review inclusions at the 20 March meeting.
Special District Association:
Mike Deck will review whether we should join this group and how much it will cost.
By Laws:
Mike will e-mail to all the board members for their perusal. The board members should be prepared to discuss them at the 6 March meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bill Barclay and the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.
The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, 22 February 2000.