The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Bill Barclay, Mike Deck, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ), Richard Lyons (legal) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). Mary Wagner (potential bookkeeper) was also present. Board member Bob Ristinen was absent.
The minutes from the 6 December 1999 meeting were discussed and a motion to accept the minutes as written was made by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.
The minutes from the 20 December 1999 meeting were also discussed. It was decided to accept the minutes as written even though they reflected that an account would be opened at Heritage Bank, which did not happen. Bill Barclay made the motion we accept the minutes as written and the motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.
Bob Farmer introduced Mary Wagner to the attendees and Dick Lyons went over an Agreement of Services Document that would employ Mary as an independent contractor at a wage of $25/hr. Mary took the agreement to review and, hopefully, sign and return to either Mike or Dick. Mary can be contacted via e-mail at marymw (at) Mary was also provided with a copy of our contact list.
Mary then presented three part checks to be signed. Bob Farmer and Bill Barclay signed the checks and Bob Farmer will mail them. Mary then passed out to the attendees a handout that summarized the check register, the balance sheet and the budget. A discussion ensued about where in the budget some of the expenses would be placed. It was decided to put expenses in categories that make sense to Mary and then they will be reorganized at a later date. In lieu of attending meetings it was decided that Mary could e-mail the Quick Books reports to Mike for discussion during the meeting, if necessary.
The bond proceeds were then discussed as to where they will go and what we will do with them. They will probably go into an account with the Bank of Cherry Creek and then transferred to appropriate investments. The finance committee will make the necessary investment decisions.
Bill Barclay made the motion that we approve the financials. Bob Champ seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Bob Farmer made a motion that we maintain a checking account requiring two signatures with the Bank of Louisville in Boulder. Bill Barclay seconded the motion that was approved unanimously.
An agreement with Engineering (Terry Kenyon) is in Draft form and will be e-mailed to Dick Lyons for his perusal.
An agreement has been presented to us by our Bond Counsel (Alan Matlosz) but, because of his absence, we will discuss at a later date when he is present. Alan also gave Mike a time line how we obtain the bonds. Mike will talk to Alan about how to expedite the process and coordinate with our regular meetings instead of having any special meetings.
A discussion of District Boundaries ensued. Dick Lyons discussed the six properties, which are to be in the amended court order. Dick has a motion drafted to amend the court order to include the six properties.
The court order to include the properties will revert to the original court order date. It was also decided that we should construct new maps that will show the properties in the water district. Bill and Terry will get the new maps.
There was no report from the finance committee.
Bill Barclay reported on the status with Lafayette. He contacted Doug Short who said that the IGA should be drafted for our perusal at the next meeting. Bill also discussed with him the possibility of rate hikes. He related that he would advise us about any possible rate hikes. It is very important that we have the IGA prior to our obtaining the bonds. Bill will relate to Lafayette the importance of having the IGA as soon as possible. It was also decided that we should monitor Lafayette Council meetings for possible water rate hikes as this is of paramount importance to us. Mike said that he would do this.
Mike reported that the repayments to those people not included in the district are on the order of 10% of $15,000.
Dick Lyons discussed the inclusion process and provided a hand out. It was brought out that if you were not in the original "large water district" of about 160 homes that you could not petition for inclusion unless you go back to the county commissioners. The cost of the inclusion process is on the order of $250. A motion was made by Bill Barclay to set a fee of $400 for those petitioning the water district for inclusion. Bob Farmer seconded the motion that was approved unanimously. Mike had a list of those properties wishing to be included and will forward them to the board. It was also decided that if there were some advantage to having a property included, the board could motion to waive the fee. Mike Deck made a motion that the board could waive the fee when it deemed it advantageous to do so via a motion. Bob Champ seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Terry Kenyon then gave a review of the Engineering and Construction Process. Transfer of assets from the existing water systems was discussed, as were various aspects of the process. The bidding process was also discussed, as was the inspection process.
It will take about 6 months to prepare the necessary engineering documents for the planning process. Bill Barclay made a motion that we allow McLaughlin Water Engineers to initiate the planning process for EBCWD, pending approval of the engineering agreement by our legal counsel. Bob Farmer seconded the motion that passed unanimously. Terry will begin this process with a Soils Engineering proposal for the next meeting.
The newsletter will be mailed to the district so as to inform them as to our progress. The web page has been updated to include the minutes of the meetings.
The reading of the by-laws was tabled.
Because directors are coming up for reelection a Call for Nominations must by published. Dick provided the form for publication between 2 Feb. and 17 Feb. Self-nomination and Candidate Affidavit forms were also supplied to R. Champ for disbursal, as necessary. The deadline for nominations is 25 February 2000. If only two nominations are received an election does not have to be held. It is surmised that R. Farmer and R. Champ (those board positions up for election) will be nominated. Mike will publish on the Internet and in the newsletter that anyone interested in these board positions should get the necessary forms.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Champ and the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.
The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, 18 January 2000.