East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

15 May 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:02 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ), Richard Lyons (Legal), Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and Mary Wagner (Financial). Bill Barclay (board member) was excused. No members of the public were present at the meeting.

Dick Lyons swore in two directors, (Bob Farmer and Bob Champ), for four-year terms on the EBCWD Board of Directors.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the previous meeting (17 April 2000) were discussed and a motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously. There was also a discussion of the length of time that the meeting tapes will be archived. It was decided that tapes would be held for the prior six meetings, unless required by law in a special circumstance to do otherwise.

Engineering Report:

Terry Kenyon (McLaughlin Water Engineers) gave an update on the Schedule for Water System Improvements. A handout was presented showing estimated begin and end dates. Aerial mapping has begun and Terry did have the aerial photos for our review. The soil engineer will begin drilling for test samples the week of May 22nd. Discussion ensued about the pump station improvements and uncertainties regarding it’s status with the County (there is, possibly, no record of a building permit for installation of the pumphouse or the tanks). The discussion also elucidated that the lot the pumphouse is on is owned by Faith Realty. Easements were then discussed and it was decided that these would be identified during the design phase and after the aerial mapping. Discussion ensued on whether the state needs to review our distribution system. Dick Lyons will review the state requirements on water distribution (we believe there are none). According to the schedule in the handout the bidding and award for construction will end on 9/18/00 and construction will end in April 2001. Increased storage capacity (100,000 gallons) was discussed and Terry thought that it would be prudent to plan for such capacity in the current plan for future requirements. Such a system will require easements, which will come under scrutiny. Dick Lyons will find out more about the easements involved regarding the pumphouse.

Treasurers Report:

Bob Farmer handed out a balance sheet showing that our assets are $1,879,941.59. An interest payment from Colotrust in the amount of roughly $9000 was not credited to the account and some discussion ensued as to when to cut off the balance sheet date. It was decided to do this at the end of the month and thereby run on a monthly basis. There was also some discussion about having a comparison of actuals to budget with respect to both dollars and percentage. This sheet will be constructed for future meetings.

Old Business:

Lafayette IGA:

Dick Lyons has reviewed the IGA. The item 3.4h was discussed and it was decided that this item could be deleted (waiving right to provide service if Charter Tap is not paid to the City). There was discussion as to the payment schedule in the IGA. It is important to inform the members of the district as to the payment of the tap fee. Once we approve the IGA the Lafayette City Council should also approve the document on 5/16/00. Mike will attend the meeting to answer any questions the Council may have and assure that the document is approved. Once this occurs, a newsletter will be prepared to inform the district of the payment schedule and their financial obligation. Lafayette has to provide in the IGA the Service Plan proposed area (Exhibit A) and the water rates and tap fees (Exhibit C). The inclusions/exclusions were also discussed. Mike will again contact the county to assure that the district is correct.

A motion was made by Bob Farmer to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Lafayette as amended (deletion of 3.4h) and to authorize President Mike Deck to take such other actions as reasonably necessary to execute the IGA with the City of Lafayette. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and was unanimously approved.

Bob Farmer made a motion that we pay the amount of $418,900 to the City of Lafayette for the first installment of the IGA payment schedule. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and passed unanimously.


Dick Lyons handed out the amended version of the by-laws. Bob Farmer made a motion that we approve the by-laws as amended. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and was approved unanimously.

Insurance Policy:

Dick Lyons recommended that we obtain an insurance policy from the Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool. They provide excellent coverage for special districts and also water districts. The cost is $950 per year. There was discussion as to insuring the contractor during the construction phase and this may have to be reviewed, as our future needs change. Bob Ristinen made the motion that we pay for this insurance policy. Bob Farmer seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Mike handed out a budget worksheet to be reviewed. The mil levy will have to be set by December so the budgeting process will have to begin in September. A budget should be adopted by November.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristenin, seconded by Bob Farmer, unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 5:42 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, May 16, 2000.