East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

20 November 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and R. A. Ristinen), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper). Ray Haddock, from the public, was also present at the meeting. Bill Barclay (Boardmember) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering) were absent from the meeting.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 16 October 2000 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the 6 November 2000 special meeting were discussed. Some points of clarification regarding the pumphouse were noted, which Terry will have to answer in the next meeting. It was also noted that the purchase of easements should be provided for in the budget. It was decided that we should table the discussion and approval of these minutes to the next meeting.

Inclusion Hearing:

Bob Ristinen moved that we open the Inclusion Hearing on the Schwartz/Relin Property and the Haddock Property. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Both notices were published in the Daily Camera (11 Nov.) and no adverse comments were received.

The Schwartz/Relin Property would be infill and would pose no problems to include in the district. Bob Ristinen moved that we approve the inclusion of the Schwartz/ Relin Property. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and was unanimously approved. The necessary legal document was signed and sealed for delivery to the court. The inclusion takes effect immediately but the property will not be on the assessor’s list until the following year.

The Haddock Property was then discussed. This would involve a line extension of about 150 to 200 feet at about $26.50 per foot, which the petitioner would have to pay via a participation agreement. A hydrant may be able to be moved further down line to minimize the cost. The petitioner may then be reimbursed by the district a portion of the cost depending on the number of downstream connections during the next 15 years. The participation agreement will address the actual cost of the extension to this property. It was decided that this property could be provided water by the district and that it would be advantageous to do so. Bob Farmer moved that we approve the inclusion of the Haddock Property. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The necessary legal documents were signed and sealed for delivery to the court.

Bob Farmer moved to close the inclusion hearing. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund and P&L budget vs. actual was handed out. Discussion was deferred because we would be addressing these in the budget hearing later in this meeting.

Engineering Report:

Because of the absence of Terry Kenyon no report was given.

Legal Issues:

Dick will formalize the legal requests for the transfer of assets from Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo. The easement proposals are ready except for the legal descriptions, which Terry will provide.

Unfinished Business:

Community Briefing:

The community briefing is scheduled for the 28th of November, at which Mike will present and Terry will answer technical questions. Terry will get presentable copies of the maps. It was decided to send a reminder of the meeting to the public.

Participation Agreements:

Tabled to the next meeting.

Rules and Regulations:

Bob Ristinen handed out the draft number 2 of the rules and regulations of the district. These were based on another district. Dick will look at the section on reimbursement. Mike will e-mail the board members the paragraphs, which he feels, should be discussed at the December meeting. The document was further discussed and it was decided that the board members would take the document home and then notify Bob Ristinen in the next two weeks of areas to be finalized by the December meeting. After the meeting, the document will be posted on the web site for the public.

Status of Negotiations with Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo:

There was nothing new to report with respect to this topic.

New Business:

Final Determination of Contributions to Formation Committee:

Mike handed out a list of the known contributions. People on the list have been informed of their contribution and no contradictions have been noted. Mike will review some checks, which Bob Ristinen had, to see if there are some contributors that are not on this list. This topic was then tabled to the next meeting.

Collection of Tap Fees:

Bob Farmer suggested that in his absence over the Christmas Holidays that we contract David Farmer to collect and deposit the tap fees, which are due by 22 December. Once deposited in our Colotrust plus account Mike Deck and R. Champ will transfer to the Lafayette Colotrust account and notify Doug Short via e-mail. Bob Farmer made a motion that we contract David Farmer to record and deposit tap fees during Bob Farmer’s absence in December for $300. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and was passed unanimously. At the December meeting we should have a list of those who have not paid so that we can remind them via a phone call.

Budget Hearing:

Bob Ristinen moved that we open the budget hearing. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The notice as to proposed budget was published in the Daily Camera on 9 November 2000.

Mike Deck passed out the Draft 3.1 of the EBCWD 2001 Budget and the budget message. It was decided that the budget message could be generalized and that the specific numbers did not have to be included. The draft budget was reviewed and discussed. The budget is separated into a General Fund, Capital Fund and a Debt Service Fund. It was decided that we could operate with one budget for both the District and the Enterprise. Mike then reviewed the budget line items.

Some discussion centered on the rates that would be charged and the readiness to serve fee. Dick will check on the readiness to serve fee. It was decided that we would not uplift the water rate from Lafayette on the first 6000 gallons per month and then charge $1.00 per 1000 gallons per month above that base.

The mil levy was discussed with respect to the assessed valuation of the properties in the district and the debt service expense.

Bob Ristinen made the motion that we approve the budget message as amended. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Bob Ristinen made the motion that we approve the budget for 2001. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and passed unanimously.

Bob Ristinen made a motion to approve the resolution to adopt budgets. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mike Deck then handed out the approved budget to the board members.

Bob Ristinen made the motion to pass the resolution to appropriate sums of money. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and passed unanimously.

Bob Ristinen made the motion to certify the mil levy at 29.160 mils, subject to final calculation based on the final assessed valuation received. Bob Champ seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

The full budget packet is due at the 1st of the year with the Division of Local Governments.

The budget hearing was then closed.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, November 21, 2000