East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Special Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

6 November 2000


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bill Barclay, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and R. A. Ristinen), Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and Dick Lyons (Legal). No members of the public were present.

New Business:

Consideration of bids from construction contractors for pipeline:

Terry Kenyon handed out a memorandum to the board which itemized the four bids received and he also handed out a financial spreadsheet which broke down the bids according to item description. Colorado Pipeline was the low bidder with a bid of $947,399. They provided Terry with job references and he had no reservations, to date, about awarding them the project. He will meet with them to discuss the job and the unit prices. The construction cost estimate prepared in 1999 for this portion of the project was $1,027,300. Allowing for contingencies of 10%, the costs should not exceed $1,130,000. The spreadsheet was further discussed with respect to various items and comparing prices among the four bidders on the project. There was some discussion on individual housing connections and the possibility of using existing PVC instead of copper pipe for connecting from the meter to the house. This matter should be taken care of in the specifications, which Terry will write. It is also feasible that the board could exempt certain homeowners with extenuating circumstances so that they could use PVC, which is currently installed. It was also noted that the contractor awarded the project might be interested in connections from meters to houses.

The timetable associated with the project completion is 210 days from issuance of notice to proceed. Extenuating circumstances, such as inclement weather, can extend the date of completion. The issuance of notice to proceed occurs after the signing of the contract which typically can take up to 30 days. This would place the issuance of notice to proceed around mid December, which would mean project completion would be in mid June 2001.

The bids received did not include the pumphouse, which will be bid on separately, probably in the January time frame.

Bob Ristinen moved that the contract be awarded to Colorado Pipeline Construction Co., Inc. subject to final verification of references and technical capabilities by Engineering (Terry Kenyon). Bob Farmer seconded the motion. Discussion ensued on what if Terry decided against this company. Mike Deck made a motion to amend the foregoing motion stipulating that we award the contract to E-Z Excavating, Inc. if Terry finds reason to not award to Colorado Pipeline Construction Co., Inc. Bob Farmer seconded the motion. Bob Ristinen agreed with the amendment and the motion passed unanimously.

Terry will deliver to us a notice of award either later this week or Monday at the latest.

Discussion then ensued about the extent review with the County Planning Commission (Greg Oxenfeld). We have applied for this review and it is anticipated that there will be no problems with the review, which must be completed in 30 days. Dick Lyons will write a cover letter and get it to Terry so that we can get the County Planning Commission working on the extent review as soon as possible. Terry will finalize the packet that will go to the planning commission (maps, district, etc.). Mike will try and get this information on the web.


Status of Easement Negotiations:

Mike talked to both Arguello and Quartermont who were both receptive to providing easements for the incoming pipe to the pumphouse on the south side of Davidson Ditch. The easement needed is for lots 1,2and 3 in Panorama Park. Paperwork is being drafted to try and finalize the easements.

We have yet to hear from Linder on the easement associated with his property. Mike will contact him to find out the status of this easement.

Terry will again check the Ditch easement but it is thought that there will be no problem using this strip of land.

Terry discussed how we should inform individuals in the district about the possibility that trees in the right of way may be trimmed.

Unfinished Business

Budget First Reading:

Bill Barclay handed out a spreadsheet, which encompassed the EBCWD 2001 Draft Budget. Discussion on the separate line items occurred, mostly revolving around the assumptions. It was noted that we are going to have to have a meeting in December to amend the 2000 budget with respect to collection of monies for tap fees. Dick gave Mike a notice to publish announcing that the regular December meeting will have this on the agenda.

The 2001 budget hearing is scheduled for the regular November meeting. Topics of discussion occurred around revenue enhancement by charging more for tap fees. It was decided that $2000 was a reasonable number for this revenue enhancement. The pumphouse was also discussed and Terry mentioned that Public Service thought that electricity could be provided for the stand-by generator. Maintenance and utilities were also discussed as individual line items. The county fee for collecting the taxes (1.5%) was also discussed as to where the fee should be placed in the budget. It was thought that this could be accounted for in the mil levy. Dick will call the assessor to find out how to handle this expense.

Also discussed was the responsibility for periodic testing of the water and the periodic checking of the pumphouse. Ultimately, as we learn more about the business, line items may be added to the budget.

We also decided that the budget should also be presented in a format providing 3 columns; previous year, current year and next year.

Also, the legal descriptions of the easements need to be provided for in the budget. Because Bill Barclay will be absent for the November meeting he will give the budget to Mike prior to the meeting.

Status of Negotiations with Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo:

We have to draft letters of agreement denoting the transfer of assets, terms, etc. with the above referenced people. Dick Lyons will draft these letters.

Participation Agreements with Sawyer and Moeller:

The formula to figure out the cost for these agreements was discussed. Dick clarified that the participation agreement stipulates the cost on the potential taps that can be connected. The service area is used to calculate the potential taps. Fifteen years is the maximum period for the length of time used in such an agreement. Also, there is no representation that reimburses will occur.

Schedule Inclusion Hearing for Haddock:

This inclusion was discussed. Bob Ristinen made the motion that we schedule an inclusion hearing on the Haddock property for our regular meeting on the 20th of November. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Directors’ comments and other matters to come before the Board:

Bob Ristinen received other rules and regs from Dick Lyons on another water district. He will include pertinent parts of this in the second reading on November 20th. Mike also provided a marked up copy to Bob Ristinen for his consideration.

The contribution issue will be finalized at the meeting on the 20th of November.

The community meeting is scheduled for 28 November 2000, where a board member will present and Terry will give technical response to questions.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bill Barclay, unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 6:29 PM.

The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, 7 November 2000