East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

16 April 2001


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Champ, Bill Barclay and Bob Farmer), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). No members of the Public were present.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 19 March 2001 meeting were discussed. Various typographical errors were noted and the last sentence on the inclusion hearing will be modified to show that a letter will be sent verifying that the inclusion was approved by the District. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the minutes of the meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the general ledger was handed out by Bob Farmer. A column was added showing the % of budget used in the P&L budget vs. actual hand out. Minus numbers denote that we are under budget. Positive numbers denote we are over budget. At this point there are no concerns with the budget. A Capital Expense was incurred ($267283.74) for materials and the first month of construction. Bob will be out of town next month so Mike will take care of transferring money to Colotrust to make the construction payment.

Engineering Report:

Terry noted that the progress has been pretty good. He noted some of the delays, which now set a completion date of 9 August 2001. Terry handed out a memo, which summarized the construction schedule and gave an update of the construction budget. The memo also addressed the Engineering and Administration Budget. It was also noted that Colorado Pipeline acquired a new insurance carrier and Terry will provide copies of the coverage. Terry noted that much time was spent with the county assuring that the contractor replace street surfaces, etc. as good or better than when they started. Much discussion occurred on this subject. Engineering will inspect to make sure that repairs are acceptable (within reason) and it would be advantageous to pool repairs as much as possible to hold cost to a minimum. It may be necessary for the Board to write an official letter documenting the performance of Colorado Pipeline, which may affect future recommendations. Terry will keep us informed on these situations.

Legal Issues:

Dick noted that the legislature is winding up in the next two weeks and he will note if there are any bills passed which will affect us. He also noted there would be a SDA meeting in September at Steamboat Springs, should any of the boardmembers wish to attend.

Unfinished Business:

Haddock Participation Agreement:

The agreement has been signed and a check for the construction has been received. Reimbursement of some of the money may be in order because the construction cost may be less than what was paid. Mike will notify Mr. Haddock in the near future when the construction costs are accurately determined.

Sawyer Participation Agreement:

Mike has been in touch with Mr. Sawyer regarding this extension. There is discussion involving whether he needs to have a main extension to his property line. It was decided that the District Engineering Standard is that the main is extended to the property line (R&R 6.5). It was also noted that we should provide a pressure reduction valve set to the maximum allowable pressure. Mike will talk to Mr. Sawyer and relay these points to him.

Moeller Participation Agreement:

This work would not be done until the end of June and we will need construction money prior to starting this work. Terry will make sure construction is not started until this agreement is finalized.

Quartemont Easement:

This easement is in hand.

Akil Easement:

Mike has received an e-mail, which notes that Mr. Akil will deal with this in the middle of April. It sounds as though we will be able to effect this easement in the near future.

Arguello Easement #1:

This easement is in hand.

Linder Easement:

Mr. Linder had a question about a fence on the easement. No language in the R&R prohibit such a structure as long as it doesn’t unreasonably interfere with our access. Mike will relay this to him.

Arguello #2 and Walshe Easement:

These easements are those involved with the increased storage capacity tank (100,000 gal.). Terry is still defining the size of the easement.

Status of Negotiations with Benchmark and Apollo:

Bill Barclay will begin to finalize the arrangements with Benchmark. Bob Ristinen will look into transferring the Apollo well and water rights. It was also noted that all the papers have been signed with Panorama Park and that the assets (including $36,000) will be transferred. Dick thought it would be wise to have a closing to finalize this.

New Business:

Pipeline and Pumpstation Amended Schedule and Budget:

Terry’s hand out addressed these topics. Repairing streets was discussed as a possible budgetary exposure as the county wants streets repaved completely for longitudinal cuts.

Terry discussed the pumpstation and noted that he has contractors in line that would be willing to do the work. This work should be completed by the end of July.

Phase II costs for the pumpstation were also discussed. A gasoline-powered pump was discussed as a cost saving measure.

Easement Costs were budgeted for $10,000 and in actuality will be closer to $18,000.

A memo will be written outlining these changes from the original budget.

Public and Contractor Communications:

Discussion ensued on who should interface the contractor with respect to homeowner problems. It was decided that our Engineering should be the interface and that homeowners should not contact the contractor directly but go through Engineering. It was also noted that the contractor should inform homeowners when they will be working on their frontage (via note on doorknob, etc.).

Contractor Side Agreements:

It was decided that McLaughlin should not participate in any Contractor side agreements.

Returned Contribution Checks:

Only one check was returned and it will be forwarded to the proper address.

Community Briefing:

The community briefing will be scheduled for a later date.


Mike asked that we e-mail any concerns or questions regarding the draft of the newsletter that he handed out.

Director’s Comments:

Mike noted that a member of the public was interested in being a boardmember. Dick went through how this can be effected. Mike asked if any board members were interested in giving up their position. This could be communicated to him privately.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bill Barclay and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:05 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, April 17, 2001