East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
20 August 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:00 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and Bill Barclay), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Greg Scholl (Engineering). John Terry of the Public was present. Bob Ristinen (board member) was absent (excused).
Public Comments:
John Terry asked whether CPL would replace the sidewalk at his residence (7739 Spring Dr.). This item was placed on the punch list. He also asked about connection of the service line to the meter. This is to be done by a licensed plumber whom the homeowner hires. Mike also noted that he has drafted a letter with an attached agreement stating that individual well owners must agree that the public water system is separate from the well system. EBCWD has the right to inspect the connection to determine if this criteria has been met.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 16 July 2001 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the Profit and Loss by Fund was handed out by Mary Wagner. We are now over the budget amount for Engineering Inspection of Construction (McLaughlin Eng.). Bill Barclay asked about the transfer of funds from PPMWA to EBCWD. Bill will effect this transfer which has not yet occurred. Bob Farmer will also look into other accounts, which do not incur a service charge, which we are now paying the bank. Mike stated that because we are not obtaining revenue from providing water we would be very close on the budget at the end of the year. Some discussion occurred on using Capital for operating expenses. Dick said that this could be done via a board resolution.
Greg (MWE) said that there is a good amount of retainage for the payments to CPL should we need to invoke this option.
Engineering Report:
Greg gave an update on the progress of the construction. He noted that there will be an 8-hour change over and that people will be informed about 3 days in advance. Greg also noted that the Moeller line has been pressure tested and the line behind the pump station is to be tested this week. Aqua Source is on line to complete the pumphouse by 31 August. Greg does not anticipate any change orders.
Paving continues to be problematic. Six areas of the road have been damaged (about 7000 sq. yds.). CPL and Boulder County (Bill Eliason) will negotiate a solution to this problem. If this does not happen other remedies will have to be put in place. These options were discussed. Dick will review the performance bond.
Meter related costs have increased by about $18,000. Mike provided a handout showing these related increases. Everyone that has paid for a tap now gets a meter and meter pit.
Legal Issues:
Dick brought up that it is time to think about publishing a Notice of Final Settlement. Dick will look into publishing this by the first week in October.
Dick also noted that it is time to appoint a budget officer. A draft of the budget must be presented in October. Bob Farmer made the motion that we appoint Mary Walker as our budget officer. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
We will not send anyone to the SDA meetings this year.
Unfinished Business:
State Permits:
The State was provided with our plans and contracts and we have not had a response. Mike will send them a letter stating that we have a master meter agreement with Lafayette and that we intend to provide water in the near future.
Walshe Easement:
This easement was discussed with respect to the 100,000-gallon storage tank. Mike handed out some e-mail discussions he has had on this matter. Because of the legal implications on the ownership of these lots it was decided that we delay discussion of this easement until a future date.
Haddock Actuals:
Greg will have the Haddock Actuals within the next week.
The progress of the construction was discussed. The board addressed what would be considered as primary completion of the construction. Greg insinuated that this would be when the water was flowing through the mains to the residences in the district. Dick agreed with this analysis from a legal point of view. The legal aspects of different scenarios were also discussed. Greg believes that Aqua Source will be completed with the pumphouse by 1 September.
Bob Farmer made the motion that we assess liquidated damages against CPL if we do not have water flowing in the system by 1 September 2001. Bill Barclay seconded the motion.
Bill Barclay made a motion for a friendly amendment to the above motion that liquidated damages would stop being assessed the moment water was flowing to the district. Bob Farmer agreed with the friendly amendment, which was seconded by Bob Champ. This amendment passed unanimously as did the initial motion.
Greg will convey the above to CPL. He will also obtain a copy of CPL’s statement prior to next months meeting.
Punch List:
Mike handed out a copy of the punch list (items to be corrected by CPL) and some e-mail messages from the public who had noted problems. These problem areas were added to punch list if appropriate.
Discussion ensued on personal contracts between homeowners and CPL. It was determined that we (EBCWD) have no responsibility with respect to these personal contracts. We will not withhold monies from CPL with respect to any individual contracts.
Mike will remain involved with the punch list, keeping it up to date.
New Business:
This includes meter reading, a pump station operator and billing. Mary had a hand out which discussed employees and independent contractors. These positions were discussed in some detail. Bob Farmer will research this and get quotes on the cost of various options. Greg suggested we contact COS (Certified Operator Services) and he will provide Bob with a card.
Mary handed out and discussed several examples of how to bill customers. It was also discussed how often we bill and how often we read.
PPMWA Switch Over Details:
Terry reviewed the procedure for the switch over from PPMWA well water to EBCWD water. Both systems will be kept live through cross connections and then Lafayette water will be allowed in the system. Water down time may be 4 to 8 hours.
Letter to Individual Well Owners:
Dick reviewed the letter regarding no interconnections between the water system and wells. We then reviewed the section of the rules and regulations pertaining to this item (Article 10). It was determined that we should strike sections 10-1-1, 10-1-2 and 10-1-6 from the rules and regulations.
Bob Farmer made the motion that we change the rules and regulations by deleting the above referenced sections. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike requested that he get comments on the letter to the well owners prior to mailing.
Directors Comments:
Mike discussed the insurance on the pumphouse and it ($25K) was deemed to be sufficient.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, August 21, 2001