East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

17 December 2001

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Bill Barclays’ absence was excused. Dick Winters and Frank Hauke (Water System Operators) were also present. Terry Kenyon (Engineering) was present later in the meeting. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) arrived later in the meeting also.

Public Comments:

Frank Hauke brought up an additional punch list item involving a mail box relocation.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 19 November 2001 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved (Mike Deck abstained).

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out. These handouts were discussed. Line item 800 (Capital Income & Expenses – Other was to be relocated to Line item 820 (Engineering). The amount was $47211.88.

Refunds for retroactive rate increase were discussed because we had published a $40 monthly minimum charge in the Newsletter and then charged $46.50 for October, November and December. Bob Ristinen made the motion that we refund the $6.50 for the months of November and December. Bob Champ seconded the motion. Discussion brought out that we also charged this fee for October. This amount would be on the order of $1000. Bob Ristinen moved to amend the motion to include the month of October. Bob Champ concurred with the amended motion. The motion was unanimously approved. The amount will be rebated off the next bill.

The pro-rata billing for new connections was discussed. One person has complained about connecting during the month and being charged for the whole month. This was discussed in some detail. Bob Ristinen made a motion that we bill on a pro rata basis based on the documented turn on date. Bob Farmer seconded the motion. Mike Deck noted that when the turn on date is not documented the board would address the case individually and probably charge for the whole month. The motion passed unanimously.

The 2001 and 2002 Water Rates and Fees were handed out by Mike Deck for discussion. The handouts were discussed. It was decided to round bills down to 1000 gallons. Bob Farmer made the motion that we adopt the 2002 Water rates and fee schedule as outlined in the amended handout. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mike will modify the hand out and publish it on the web. It was also discussed that the due date for a bill is 25 days after the billing date. Interest charges will then be assessed during the next month. The rules and regs address late fees and service stoppage for delinquent accounts.

The Long term Capital plan is on the web but it was decided to label this plan as a worksheet and that it is our best guess estimate. This plan will be discussed in more detail at the next meeting.


Dick will be at the next meeting. Because the label Standby Charge has a legal connotation it was decided to change this billing label to minimum monthly charge-inactive.


Mike Deck handed out the punch list items. Gabriel is the new contact for CPL and he is involved in handling the punch list items. Shoulder ruts and potholes were discussed and Mike will contact Bill Eliason about this. We will also try and get a ball park estimate for shoulder repair. Other items were also discussed. CPL is still working on these items.


Mike handed out a map of the district. The map was discussed.

Frank discussed the chlorine levels in the system and it was noted that we are in specifications for chlorine levels. A bacteria sample has also been taken for testing. Chlorine levels are not a problem at this time so the injection system is on hold.

Testing at fire hydrants was also discussed and Frank and Dick will handle this.

Thermal cutouts have been installed on the pumps.

Copper and Lead testing was discussed with respect to the regulations. Mike reviewed the testing algorithms for these elements. We have until March or April to initiate these tests.

An event recorder has been installed. The electric service coming in is unbalanced. This unbalance diminishes the efficiencies of the pumps (about 50%). Frank and Dick are meeting with the Electric Co. to see how we can resolve this issue. Terry was going to review what the Public Service Co. is supposed to provide and Frank and Dick will survey options to solve the problem.

We have received a Desk and Chair from the Hewitts for the pumphouse.

The status report will be delivered just prior to the monthly meeting.


Leaks at meter yokes were discussed. Mike had a drawing showing how the meter can be stabilized in a cost-effective manner. It was noted that flared fittings may not have been properly installed and/or tightened by CPL and instances of leakage have been seen. It was decided that we have one year from final settlement for CPL warranty and that CPL is responsible to straighten and fix any problems.

Aquasource has repaired the tank leak.

Terry gave Frank and Dick current updated drawings of the water system. He will provide additional drawings for the district. Greg will also provide wiring diagrams.

Terry has found a used Gen set from another water district. It is 20 years old but it is in good condition. This is a 75 KVa set which would be ample to run our existing pumps. It is propane driven so would have to be converted to natural gas. Efficiency was discussed. It was decided that Terry would review the cost of this gen set versus a new one and if warranted we would inspect the used one prior to purchasing. Alternate sources of other generators will also be looked into.

We have some spare parts (manhole cover, motors) which Terry will see if anyone needs.

The pumpstation feed improvement was discussed. Bob Farmer made the motion that we make the pump station improvement to directly feed the existing storage tanks for about $10,000 plus supervision. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Bob Farmer will contact Mike’s backhoe and work will begin in the middle of January. We will obtain a contract from him, which Dick will review. Greg (MWE) will supervise relocation of the feed line while Dick and Frank will supervise the remaining pump house improvements, contacting Greg, if needed.

Terry reviewed MWE billing chronology. This was done to try and address the engineering cost overrun. CPL needed more supervision than originally planned. Also, our desire to keep capital costs to a minimum caused problems. Other extenuating circumstances were elucidated. Many hours were not billed. Overall, the board was satisfied with the billing by MWE. It was also determined that it is appropriate to question bills when doubts arise.

Unfinished Business:

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business:

Mike will review how to file claims with the insurance company.

Mike reviewed a financial overview, which may be shared with the district. It was decided not to incorporate this in the bill.

Next February we must choose officers from the board. Bob Ristinen noted that he would not run for another term. Mike expressed desire that someone else take over the Presidency either in February or the near future.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, December 18, 2001