East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
19 February 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bill Barclay, Bob Ristinen, Bob Champ and Bob Farmer), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper). Carol Deibel and John Winsor from the public were present.
Public Comments:
Carol asked whether she should contact the Construction Company with respect to construction, which would be taking place on their easements, whether we were looking for new families to join, and if we had policies in place for new families to join. Mike Deck responded that he had many calls with respect to these issues. He noted the following:
John Winsor then inquired as to where to place the meter pit on his property as he may be absent during this time. Stakes may be circulated prior to meter installation so the homeowner may place them appropriately, in conjunction with the construction people. John will get names to contact in the Construction Company from Terry Kenyon or Mike.
Bill Barclay also related that he had been contacted by Naim Aweida about Naim wanting 100 cubic yards of fill dirt. We will supply Naim with the necessary information about who to contact and deal directly with in the Construction Company. We reasserted that these dealings should be between the property owner and the Construction Company.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 15 January 2001 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the general ledger was handed out by Mary Wagner. The handout was discussed and it was noted that an easement was purchased. It was noted that Terry purchases the easement and we reimburse McLaughlin Engineering.
The material has been forwarded to the auditor who is now working on the audit. No information from him has been received.
The checks for the outstanding contributions have not yet been sent.
Engineering Report:
Terry reported that the county has been involved with the construction and has thrown up some minor roadblocks that we may have to deal with if it, in fact, continues. It was also noted that the pipe storage on the Moeller property had been taken care of between the Construction Company and Rick Moeller.
Terry also discussed how a small percentage of the pipe was not in specification because of either the gauge or the coatings and this problem was resolved. Payment to the Construction Company was also discussed and that no payments to date have been made.
Legal Issues:
Terry noted that he would have legal descriptions of the easements to Dick in the near future.
Dick also brought up the possibility of the district being a test e-mail election for the state if the bill pertaining to this passes. It was noted that the district would be receptive to this if indeed, the bill passes and the state wishes this. Other bills do not affect us.
Unfinished Business:
Rules and Regulations:
Bob Ristinen passed out the latest copy of the rules and regulations. Changes were discussed and some of the changes will be incorporated in the amended version of the rules and regulations.
A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the rules and regulations of the EBCWD as amended. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.
This document will be put on the website.
Participation Agreements:
The possible agreements with Moeller and Sawyer were discussed. Because of our obligation to Lafayette to extend past them it is unsure how we handle these agreements. Dick will review this case and tie the reimbursement to the time which we complete the line for the Lafayette agreement.
Status of Negotiations with Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo:
Bill Barclay noted that after completion of the agreement with Panorama Park he would begin negotiations with Benchmark and Apollo.
New Business:
Approval of Agreement with Panorama Park:
Bill Barclay handed out a closing agreement for dedication and transfer of property from Panorama Park Mutual Water Association to East Boulder County Water District. This document was approved by the PPMWA board and was generated by their lawyer, Randy Starr. This document has been mailed to the shareholders for their consideration for the meeting later this month. The document was discussed and Dick noted that it was satisfactory.
A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the Closing Agreement for dedication and transfer of property from Panorama Park Mutual Water Association to East Boulder County Water District. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.
Mike will co-sign the agreement with the President of Panorama to make the document official.
Linder Easement:
The Linder easement was discussed in detail and how this affected other nearby homeowners.
A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we pay Mr. Linder $1500 for the easement on his property. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.
Rates and Fees:
This topic was tabled to next month’s meeting.
Pump Station Improvements:
Terry related that there were multiple goals to consider with respect to these improvements. The possible improvements were discussed with respect to our future plans (e.g. Storage tank). It may be pertinent to do what construction needs to be done now via a change order for Colorado Pipeline.
Mike is meeting with Walshe tomorrow regarding the possibility of placing the tank on lot #4 and possibly a portion of lot #3. Discussion on the placement of the tank was discussed in some detail so that Mike would be informed for the upcoming meeting. An easement transaction may be in order if the lot owners are receptive to a placement of the tank east of the pumphouse.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:43 PM.
The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, February 20, 2001