East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
15 January 2001
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:10 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck Bill Barclay, Bob Champ and Bob Farmer), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Terry Kenyon (Engineering) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper). Bob Ristinen was absent (excused). No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 18 December 2000 meeting were discussed. A spelling error was noted. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we approve the amended minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, profit and loss by fund and P&L budget vs. actual was handed out by Mary Wagner. $667,734 was transferred to the City of Lafayette on 29 December as a final payment on 113 water taps. 124 lots are in the current district. Mike submitted a list of the names and addresses of the people in the district. Discussion as to how we would pay the contractor ensued. All bills will go through Terry (Engineering) and he will tell us how and what to pay. Some discussion occurred on the tap fees collected vs. those budgeted (delta $2362.83). Bob Farmer and Mary w ill determine the reason for the difference.
Engineering Report:
Terry reported that we have begun the construction of the water system. 22,000 feet of pipe is now being delivered. The contractor has negotiated with Rick Moeller to store the pipe on his vacant lot. Terry related that this is a private transaction between the contractor and Rick and that the district should not be involved with the business of constructing the district. Mike wanted to make sure that an appropriate contract is written which indemnifies Rick with respect to storing pipe on his land.
Terry discussed the obstacles involved in obtaining the building permit and that hopefully it will be obtained in the near future.
Also discussed was the Ditch Agreement (for pipeline crossings) with the Davidson Ditch Company. A copy of the agreement was given to Dick Lyons who will get a copy to us. Mike brought up that we would like a tentative schedule of work to be accomplished by the contractor so that we might keep the public informed of work in the area. Terry said that this schedule is in the plan.
The surveyor should complete work in the next couple of weeks and then the appropriate easements can be finalized. Dick will generated the necessary legal documents.
Mike also brought up that the contractor would have fill dirt available for anyone who needs it during the construction process. This will be posted in the upcoming Newsletter.
Some discussion ensued on how the second feed from Lafayette will occur. At this point, a loop will occur from Barcelona down Paragon to S. Boulder Rd. Our meter will then be fed by this Y. This means that some district residences will be metered off the Lafayette line and these may need booster pumps. The logistics as to how and when this will happen will have to be worked out in the future.
Legal Issues:
Bill Barclay made a motion that we continue to meet every third Monday of the month at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church at 4 PM and post the agenda on the pumphouse. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Dick also noted that the SDA special affairs committee would be briefed on legislation that may affect special districts. Dick did not think anything significant would be occurring.
Also discussed was the construction of a mailbox on the pumphouse lot so as to give us an official mailing address.
Unfinished Business:
Rules and Regulations:
The rules and regulations were then discussed. Dick discussed the rewriting of section 9.12 and handed out a copy of his wording of this section.
Participation Agreements:
Mike handed out a model of a reimbursement agreement to be reviewed at the next meeting. This agreement should be incorporated in the rules and regs once finalized.
Status of Negotiations with Panorama Park, Benchmark and Apollo:
Dick has been in contact with Randy Starr, who will be representing PPMWA. Bill Barclay had an agreement that Randy had on his computer and gave Dick a copy. Dick will finalize the agreement with Randy. Benchmark will probably need a quit claim deed, for which Dick has paperwork.
Lafayette Amended IGA
The amended IGA is being worked on by Lafayette (Erin Chrisbens) and will be forwarded to us as soon as completed. This IGA will address the improvements to the district set forth in a memo from Mike Deck to Doug Short dated 20 December 2000.
New Business:
Directors’ Comments:
Mike noted that he is working on the upcoming Newsletter where he would like to address an increase in the service charge for water to pay for the Lafayette improvements. He would also like to include the construction schedule, if possible.
Also discussed was the fabrication of a Tap Permit which property owners would receive showing that they had purchased a tap.
Mike related that he had informed the Beck’s as to the new location of the meter and that it was unfortunate but necessary that it be so located.
A financial institution holding some of our bonds wished to have our financial statement forwarded to them. Mike will inform them that the year 2000 statement will be sent to them.
Discussion ensued on the meter to house connection. We are still defining how this is to occur so that there is no interconnection between wells and our system. Bob Farmer will work on how we define this.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM.
The above is submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 16, 2001