East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

16 July 2001


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and Bill Barclay), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). No members of the Public were present.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 18 June 2001 meeting were discussed. Mary Wagner was noted as being present and Bob Ristinen noted that Mike would place the Material Waiver in the rules and regulations. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the Profit and Loss by Fund was handed out by Mary Wagner. It was noted that we are over budget on purchase of easements. We are also close to the budget amount for Engineering Inspection of Construction (McLaughlin Eng.). Mary will attend the Division of Local Governments Seminar on Budgets for us. Some discussion occurred on billing matters and what data we will archive and how we will effect the billing procedures.

Engineering Report:

Terry has got a pumphouse contractor who will install the pumps and valves in August. The contractor is Aqua Source and they have committed to do the job for $24419, provided we provide the pumps and the valves. The previous contractor (Jennison) was much more expensive ($55.000) than Aqua Source. Bob Farmer made a motion that we contract with Aqua Source to make the pumphouse improvements and to purchase the pumps and valves. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Terry also reviewed the pressures that would be supplied in the water mains, especially at the higher elevations. Mike and Bill both explained concerns about pressures observed in Panorama. It was decided that some tests should be performed to try and understand these pressure problems noted in Panorama. Terry also reviewed the pressure differential between 1 and ¾ inch pipe. Terry has noted those installations that should use 1-inch pipe from main to meter to reduce pressure loss. It was determined that at the highest elevation the pressure in the main would be 43 psi.

Legal Issues:

Dick will send us a soft copy of the changes regarding the new State Rules on Executive Sessions. These rules take effect in August. We will incorporate these in next month’s minutes and determine how we will comply with these rule changes.

Unfinished Business:

State Permits:

The State will have to inspect the pumphouse and our bacteriological testing plan. Mike is in contact with the State with respect to these matters. It is also to be determined if we need a licensed operator for the pumphouse. The State will review our Plans with respect to these matters, which will be generated by Engineering.

Walshe Easement:

This easement was discussed with respect to the 100,000-gallon storage tank. The size of the easement is 89’ by 47’ and with the cost of land it would be advantageous to minimize the size of the easement, if possible. This was discussed in some detail. Mike will be in contact with Walshe to negotiate the easement. It was determined that for this amount of land, the cost would be about $15,000 and the date for tank installation would be about 3 years from now.

Haddock Actuals:

Terry will obtain the actual cost of this construction from Greg so that we can reimburse Haddock any overpayment and correct the reimbursement agreement.

New Business:

PPMWA Transfer:

As of 6/30/01 PPMWA is no longer on the States Books as a water association. EBCWD will take over the running of this former organization. A formal closing will be held dating all necessary documents 30 June 2001. Mike has obtained asset protection insurance as of last Thursday protecting the assets transferred. Discussion also occurred on workman’s compensation and independent contracting. Dick will e-mail to Mike a standard independent contractor scope of services form which we can use to engage the PPMWA employee for continuing his responsibilities under EBCWD management. A stamp will be obtained by Bill Barclay which will transfer monies collected from PPMWA people to our EBCWD account and this will allow Frank Hauke to continue in his current capacity. Bob Farmer made a motion that we effect this transfer of PPMWA and continues day to day operations under EBCWD. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved.

PPMWA Switch Over Details:

Terry reviewed the procedure for the switch over from PPMWA well water to EBCWD water. Both systems will be kept live through cross connections and then Lafayette water will be allowed in the system. Water down time may be 4 to 8 hours.

Panorama Drive – Spring Drive Easement:

This easement was re-surveyed and it was decided that homeowners affected by this easement should be sent a letter informing them of the easement and that we will be working in the easement in the future to install a DIP water main.

Construction Request for Delay:

Terry read a letter from CPL which requested a delay of 30 days because of changes in pipeline routing, weather and Boulder County inclement weather work policy. Our Engineers feel that CPL has rerouted the pipeline to save repaving expense. Weather is a discretionary cause for delay. A discussion ensued on whether this delay should be granted. Dick reviewed the legal aspects of the contract. Terry’s recommendation was that we give them to the end of the month of August and be firm that they correct a list of grievances and complete the contract in that time frame. It was determined that Terry would generate a list of concerns and convey them to CPL along with an extension to the end of August (24 days). Discussion also occurred on the pile of dirt on the pumphouse lot. It was stated that a special land use permit is needed for this amount of dirt and the landowner and CPL should be aware of this by virtue of our list of concerns. It was also determined that Bob Farmer and Bill Barclay will obtain the list from Terry and they will survey the district and determine the accuracy of the list. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we grant CPL a contract extension to the end of August 2001. They motion was seconded by Bob Champ. The motion was passed by a 4 to 1 vote. It was also decided that CPL should be informed by Terry of the list of grievances and that they agree to rectify this list of items.


Work on the Newsletter has been delayed about one week. Mike will complete this for mailing.

Community Meeting:

We will schedule a community meeting in August for a Q&A session.

Colorado Rural Water Association:

Mike discussed the advantages of belonging to this organization (dues $125/yr). It was determined that we would consider this in the budget for next year.

Directors Comments:

Mike discussed a possible celebration upon completion of the project and also a plaque noting the PPMWA contributors, which would be placed on the pumphouse.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, July 17, 2001