East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

18 June 2001


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at about 4:00 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bill Barclay and Bob Farmer), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel), Terry Kenyon (Engineering), Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Dan Schommer (Auditor). Bob Champ’s absence was excused. Rick Moeller of the Public was present.

Presentation and Approval of Auditor’s Report:

Dan Schommer (Auditor) thoroughly discussed the Auditor’s report page to page. It was their opinion that the financial position of EBCWD at December 31, 2000 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Bill Barclay made the motion that we accept the Auditor’s Report. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and passed unanimously.

Dan will provide more copies of the report to Mike for dispersal to appropriate agencies and people.

Public Comments:

Rick Moeller had questions about the water pressure to his residence. Mike reviewed the situation and stated that the water pressure would be 40 psi in the street and less in the residence. This would entail a booster pump in the residence. Rick wanted to know if it would be possible to connect to a high-pressure line instead of having a low-pressure line with the booster pump. Mike reviewed the costs involved in the two scenarios and Terry reviewed the engineering aspects of the two possible options. Bill Barclay made a motion that we provide Rick Moelller with the high-pressure line. Bob Farmer seconded the motion. A discussion ensued regarding the reimbursement agreement. The motion passed unanimously.

Reading and Approval of the Minutes of May 21,2001:

The minutes of the 21 May 2001 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Engineering Report:

Terry discussed the progress of the water main installation and the pumphouse improvements. He noted that he could contract the pumphouse improvements with a known good contractor who would finish the improvements in an expeditious manner. Bob Farmer made a motion that we obtain an estimate from this contractor (Jennison Construction) and if under $25,000 we award the work to him. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Legal Issues:

Dick will write a memo noting how the state changed executive sessions. All the deeds with respect to easements are now completed.

Unfinished Business:

Moeller Extension:

This matter was taken care of in the Public Comments.

Walshe Easement:

In progress.

Status of negotiations with Benchmark and Apollo:

Bill Barclay has completed the Agreement with Benchmark.

New Business:

State Permits:

Mike will be in contact with the State to find out exactly what is needed and if it pertains to our system (e.g. bacteriological testing).

Haddock Actuals:

Terry will get the cost of this extension

Ristinen Material Waiver:

Bob wrote a waiver that he read to the board. (This waiver allows homeowners with existing service lines that are not Type K Copper to keep them as service lines). Mike will place these in an appropriate place in the rules and regs. Bob Farmer made a motion that we approve this wording for incorporation in the rules and regs. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Directors Comments:

A Community Meeting may be planned around 1 August to address the actual providing of water and the possible problems involved.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bill Barclay and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:00 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, July 1, 2001