East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

21 May 2001


The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:13 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Ristinen, Bob Champ and Bill Barclay), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). Bob Farmer’s absence was excused. No members of the Public were present.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 16 April 2001 meeting were discussed. It was noted that Terry should get us copies of the insurance coverage and also a memo denoting changes in the budget with regard to the pumpstation improvements. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved unanimously.

The minutes of the 15 May 2001 Community Meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bill Barclay that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Ristinen and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the general ledger was handed out by Bob Champ, in Bob Farmer’s absence. Last month’s expenditures were 25,779.98. A check for $76554.50 will be mailed to CPL at the end of this month. Mike noted that it would be advantageous to obtain these financial handouts prior to the meeting.

Engineering Report:

Terry noted that the progress has been pretty good in view of the inclement weather. He noted that if the second boring is completed then phase 3 is complete. Phase 4 will be the run up Spring Drive. It will also be possible in the next couple of weeks to begin pressure testing of the lower mains. Terry also noted that he would provide a list of residences where he would recommend 1" service lines. Pressure was discussed in some detail and it may be necessary that booster pumps will be necessary to give adequate pressure. At this point Terry thinks only one lot would need such a pump. Cost of such a system is about $1500. Pressure on Panorama Drive was also discussed. It was noted that the 4" main should be very adequate in servicing these houses and that a reason for the lower pressure in the area may be the service lines. It was decided that it would be advantageous to connect main to meter with 1" diameter pipe. Terry will provide information on what this upgrade would cost. After installation measuring of static pressure at various points will elucidate problem areas.

The tank inspection will be accomplished in the near future. At this time a trash pump will be used to clean out sediment in the tanks. Pressure will also be increased by about 10 psi at the pumphouse.

The county has now told us that they will not charge us any more for additional permits.

The Walshe Easement was discussed in some detail. After much discussion it was decided that the legal description of this easement was indeed correct and a problem with respect to this does not exist. It was also noted that it would be nice if we could extend the easement to the ditch, about an additional 15 feet. This could aid in placement of the gen set. Mike will obtain a drawing of the desired easement and talk to Mr. Walshe. Discussion also occurred on whether it would be advantageous to have a deed on this property in place of an easement. It was decided that an easement is probably the most facile approach.

Terry would like to obtain authorization to order the pumps for the pumphouse. It may be possible to store the pumps in the pumphouse until installation. Terry will check on size and whether it will be possible to store them inside.

To facilitate the crossover from PPMWA to EBCWD it was decided that we should extend the 23 June 2001 closing by mutual agreement.

Legal Issues:

Discussion on the Benchmark Pipes and absence of meters ensued. The pipes are in the middle of the street and ownership was discussed. Bill Barclay will investigate this matter tomorrow with a Mr. Lazarus in the County and does not expect a problem with respect to this lack of an easement along the road. At some point we will have a transfer of these assets to EBCWD from Benchmark.

Dick noted that we need a bill of sale and a deed for Apollo’s well. Bob Ristinen noted that Mike Yaron (Apollo’s President) has no interest in going out of business. It was noted that if Apollo ever decides to go out of business it would be nice if EBCWD could obtain their assets. It was also noted the Dept. of Public Health needs water testing periodically which would have to be done on the well and that of course, the well can not be cross-connected to the EBCWD system. It was decided that this would not be a problem and that Benchmark is also staying in business and keeping their well in an analogous manner.

Unfinished Business:

Moeller Participation Agreement:

The agreement is complete and monies have been received. We are now ready for the installation of the main in this area. Actual costs will be noted and any overpayment will be reimbursed.

Zaman Easement:

This easement is in place. The document will be corrected with respect to a typo and forwarded to him with the monies for the easement.

Linder Easement:

Dick will obtain this easement by filing the appropriate papers with the county.

Arguello Easement #2:

No easement is necessary.

Walshe Easement:

Mike will obtain the drawing and discuss with Mr. Walshe.

Status of negotiations with Benchmark and Apollo:

Apollo will be dropped off of unfinished business.

Benchmark will transfer certain assets and it was decided that their president and/or their board could probably do this.

New Business:


Discussion about the restoration of landscaping occurred. It was decided that Terry should generate a list of problems and when they will be completed.

Modified Service Lines:

Bob Ristinen raised the subject of a copper connection to PVC from the meter to the house. According to the Rules and Regs., this would require approval by the board. Terry thought that this would not be a problem but that any new lines should be Type K copper. It however should be noted that in certain areas pressure may be higher than before and problems could be noticed which would be the responsibility of the customer to correct. It was decided that Bob Ristinen should generate a letter, which could be linked to the Rules and Regs. addressing this kind of connection. A motion was made by Bill Barclay to approve Bob Ristinen’s connection of Copper to PVC in his service line dependent on terms and conditions to be generated by Bob Ristinen and approved by Terry Kenyon and presented to the board at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and passed unanimously.

Directors Comments:

There was a discussion on what we should give the customer showing that they have purchased from EBCWD a meter and pit. It was decided that lot owners who have purchased taps will be contacted for location of meters and they will be located on the map for installation. Those who have not purchased taps will have to pay a tap fee, which may be inflated for construction costs.

Terry will check Engineering mileage costs.

Dan Schommer will go over the audit report at next month’s meeting.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bill Barclay, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:12 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, May 22, 2001