East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Special Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

3 October 2001

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ, Mike Deck and Bill Barclay), and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). Two members of the Public (Reed Ford and Frank Hauke) were present.

Public Comments:

Frank made the comment that he thought very highly of Jesus with CPL and that he thought that overall the work by CPL was very good.

Benchmark Water Mains: Repair or Replace?:

Terry Kenyon related that it is very difficult to assess the quality of old water mains and how long they will last. The pipe is cast iron and is about 30 years old. Terry also noted that frequently when a line is taken out of service it is not uncommon to see a problem when put in use again. The soil in this area is Bentonite, which is corrosive, but Terry noted that in some instances breaks will occur and then the system will run trouble free. Two breaks have occurred in Benchmark. The first had two holes and the second had one. Electrolytic action is responsible for the break occurrence and the pipe material can be a weakness. The cost of replacing the mains in Benchmark would be about $45K to $50K, if done by CPL now and would be more expensive in the coming years. The repair of the broken pipe was accomplished by a splicing in of a new pipe. Reed Ford said that this area of pipe had broken earlier and that the clay soil conditions were problematic. Terry will check on whether we took a soil sample from this area that has been prone to breakage. There was discussion on the cost of repairs and the length of time required to accomplish the repair. It was noted that the repair could be the next day and could cost as much as $3000. The logistics of replacing the pipe was also discussed and it was thought it could be accomplished in a similar manner to PPMWA pipe. Mike also noted that the island irrigation system should be capped so irrigation can not be done with EBCWD water (in lieu of purchasing a tap for this reason).

Bob Ristenin made the motion that we not replace the Benchmark water mains at this time. Bob Farmer seconded the motion. Discussion ensued about putting the repair in the long-term capital plan and whether the financial status of the district would allow for the repair. The method for reporting the problem and effecting the repair was discussed. The upcoming Newsletter will stipulate that the operators are called and they will begin the process of repairing the break. The possibility of installing an air/vacuum valve at the high point of the line was also discussed. Frank also asked for a print of all the lines, valves and meter pits and Terry will supply these to him. The motion was then voted on and passed unanimously.


The monthly fee being charged by Lafayette to all taps in the district is $6.50 and the district will pass this on to the homeowner. A $1.00 uplift to Lafayette rates will also be charged. Bills for September will go out as soon as possible and the explanation of the bill will be in the Newsletter, which will be incorporated in the bill.

Delinquent Accounts:

The Rules and Regs. were reviewed with respect to this item. A copy of a letter Mike drafted was in the hand out along with the pertinent section from the rules and regs and will be sent in the bill to delinquent accounts, where appropriate.


Some of the wellowners have not returned the letter regarding compliance with no intermixing of well water with EBCWD water. Mike had a draft of a letter in the hand out which stipulates that a $1000 fine can be levied for unauthorized use of water. Padlocking of meters was also discussed. The original letter will be sent again to those wellowners who have not returned their forms. .

Pumpstation repairs:

Terry reviewed the pumpstation repairs that will be made to make the system more reliable. He handed out a schematic of the changes. He also noted that the problem was due to the energy grade line from the Lafayette supply, which can create a vacuum in our system. The repairs will cost on the order of $10K to $15K and Terry will obtain quotes. The repairs will predominately be an air/vac valve and a rerouting of the incoming low-pressure line. The repairs should be accomplished in about 2 weeks.

There was discussion on alarms and low-pressure sensors.


Mike handed out the Newsletter and will incorporate changes before printing. He will note in the Newsletter that homeowner’s contractors that damage EBCWD property are responsible for the damages. The Newsletter will go out in the bill.

Punch List:

Mike handed out and reviewed the latest revision of the punch list. Mike will be the contact for the punch list items with CPL. The method of signing off on these items was discussed. All punch list items should be in by tomorrow morning.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristenin, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, October 4, 2001