East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

17 September 2001

The meeting was called to order by Bill Barclay at 4:06 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Bob Ristinen, Bob Farmer, Bob Champ and Bill Barclay), Dick Lyons (Legal Counsel and Terry Kenyon (Engineering). Two members of the Public were present. Mike Deck (board member) was absent (excused).

Public Comments:

There were no public comments.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 20 August 2001 meeting were discussed. Bob Ristinen noted that the 4 to 8 hours down time under PPMWA switch over only applied to PPMWA residences. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Farmer and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss YTD comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the Profit and Loss by Fund were handed out by Bob Farmer. Bob Farmer noted that we are still obtaining interest on deposits on the order of $1000 per month. Bank charges were discussed but it was determined that other banks have similar charges and a change on this account would be unnecessary. Bob Farmer noted that we are already 133% of Budget on Engineering expenses. Bob Farmer also handed out a worksheet that Mary Wagner had prepared for arriving at the next year’s budget. The preliminary budget should be presented at the October meeting. Dick noted that the worksheet was of an appropriate format.

Engineering Report:

Terry reported that CPL still needs to make the Benchmark Connection and a few meters need to be set. The remaining work then is the items on the punch list. The assessment of liquidated damages were then discussed. Mike had given them a three-day extension via an executive decision and then, via discussion among the board, we gave them an indefinite extension. Bob Farmer made a motion that we approve Mike Deck’s decision not to assess liquidated damages on CPL for 3 working days after the 1 September deadline. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

A second motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the informal decision of the board to not assess liquidated damages on CPL until further notice because of extenuating circumstances. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously.

Some of the items on the punch list were discussed and some items were added to the punch list.

Also discussed was the mechanism for how we should inform people that they are available to be turned on to the water system. Terry noted that we are still not operating at full capacity and that it would be prudent to delay turning on the rest of the district until the pumphouse is operating at full capacity. It was thought that a conservative estimate for this date would be the 2nd week of October.

There was discussion on service lines installed by homeowners. Inspection was discussed so that no impurities could enter our system. Backflow devices were also discussed. It was decided that we should discuss this item at a future meeting.

Bill Barclay presented some data he obtained on the pressure versus flow rate on his and other residences in his area. It was observed that pressure does diminish with flow rate. Terry still thought that there was still some latent problem.

Terry also noted that there was enough money held back so that the punch list items can be completed.

Bob Farmer brought up the cost of meter pits. We now charge $2000 for installation of a meter and pit and Bob noted that the actual cost will be around $3500. Bob Farmer made a motion that we increase the cost of the tap fee by $3500 instead of $2000. Bob Champ seconded the motion. Discussion ensued whereby it was thought that it would be more appropriate to address this topic during our budgeting for next year. A vote was taken and the motion was defeated unanimously.

Legal Issues:

Dick noted that he gave Mike a Notice of Final Settlement. Bob Champ noted that it was faxed to the Daily Camera and would be published on or before 20 September and again on 25 September.

Dick will obtain materials pertinent to water districts at the SDA meeting this year.

Unfinished Business:

Construction Clean up list Additions:

Items were added to this list during our discussion of the Engineering topics.

New Business:


Chlorination System: Chlorine levels are a little low in the water obtained from Lafayette. It was decided that Mike Deck (after obtaining the data) should call Doug Short and inform him that Lafayette water is low in residual chlorine and let Doug respond to this problem before we decide whether we need to chlorinate the system.

Bids for System Operation/Monitoring: Bids for doing this work were received from three possible providers. The bids were discussed and a motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we choose H.O. Winters/F.E. Hauke as contractors to operate, monitor and maintain the Water System for one year as set forth in their proposal. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Bids for Meter Reading: Two bids were received for meter reading. These bids were discussed and it was decided to table this topic until the next months meeting. Bob Farmer will check with COS to see if they will do meter reading only.


There was some discussion of the billing operation and it was decided to table this topic to the next meeting.


Discussion of the Newsletter was tabled to the next meeting.

Directors Comments:

Bill noted that it would have been nice to have access to the e-mail list so that he could have notified those people of the problems incurred in starting up the system.

There was some discussion on how we hook up residences to the system.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, September 18, 2001