East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
15 April 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bob Ristinen, Bill Barclay and Bob Champ). Dick Winters and Frank Hauke (Water System Operators) were present. Joel Thompson and Rick Moeller of the public were present. Ramon Diaz Jr. and Gabriel Bernal of CPL were present. Terry Kenyon from MWE was also present.
Public Comments:
Joel Thompson handed out a letter noting items to be addressed with respect to installation of the water line. This letter noted three items to be dealt with. The first, dealing with the driveway width, grade, road surface and seeding were noted by Mike Deck as being the water district’s responsibility. The second portion of the letter, dealing with the storing of rock, sand and dirt on Joel’s property was due to an agreement between CPL and Joel and is not under the District’s jurisdiction. The third item, having to do with trees being destroyed during the waterline installation, also should be addressed by the district.
It was decided that Terry would check with Greg and Andy to see if the driveway was signed off by MWE as being completed. If, indeed, it was signed off then we will have to discuss with MWE as to payment for subsequent restoration. If not signed off by MWE then restoration is the responsibility of CPL. When restoration occurs, Joel should be present and sign off on the restoration as being accomplished adequately.
The rock, sand and dirt storage was done via an informal (not written) agreement between CPL and Joel Thompson and is their responsibility to solve.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 18 March 2002 meeting were discussed. Changes noted to the minutes were the estimate for Stephanie Moore’s landscaping issues were $300 instead of $200 and that CPL will restore the lot where the pipeline was stored not just the area where the pipe was stored. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out Bob Farmer and discussed. No problem areas were noted.
It was noted that Rick Moeller (new board member) would be sworn in at next month’s meeting and that this is Bill Barclays and Bob Ristinens last regular board meeting.
Frank handed out and discussed the Operator’s report. They put in 2.75 hours monitoring the system from March 11 to April 8. 6.25 hours were spent maintaining the system. Frank noted that a fire hydrant leak was noted and they will check other hydrants for leaks. Frank reviewed the workscope accomplished during the month and the report will be filed. It was also noted that lead and copper testing must be done prior to July.
Unfinished Business
CPL change orders and invoices are done and Greg will deliver them so that they can be paid.
Landscape restoration is in progress. 8 meter pits have not been seeded. A punch list is being maintained by Mike Deck regarding landscaping issues. This finalized list will be submitted to CPL so that when the items are done and the landscaping is done only warranty items would remain for CPL. It was decided that sufficient time has passed and two Newsletters have been published asking for problem areas to be noted and that it is time to finalize the list and enter into the warranty period.
Bill Barclay made a motion that the punch list would be finalized by May 1st. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Bob Ristinen noted that the depth of a line between the main and the meter may only be 3 feet and could be prone to freezing. No problem has been noted to date. Discussion was tabled.
Mr. Lopez discussed a stain that is present in his concrete driveway. Ramon will look at the stain and see if there is a way to remove it.
Aquasource issues:
Greg has obtained a schematic and operator’s manual for the system. An invoice has still not been received from Aquaasource.
Gen set:
Terry reviewed the status on the gen set. He will obtain 3 quotes for purchase of the generator. We would then contract for installation.
Public Service will be contacted to assure there is necessary supply of natural gas.
Sound level was discussed and it was decided to allow enough leeway in the size of the concrete pad to allow for an additional enclosure to dampen sound can be constructed.
The gen set could be on line as early as June.
Terry gave Bob Farmer the as built district plans and the Compact Disc.
Greg has the pumpstation operator’s manuals.
New Business:
Mike Deck made the motion that we resolve to commend and thank Bill Barclay and Bob Ristinen for the contribution and services performed to the district during their time as board members. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The resolutions were signed, attested to and affixed with the seal of the district and presented to Bob and Bill.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, April 16, 2002.