East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
19 August 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Rick Moeller, Mark Johns, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Dick Winters (Water System Operator) was present. Also present was Mary Wagner (bookkeeper). Terry Kenyon (Engineering) arrived later in the meeting. No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 15 July 2002 meeting were discussed. A couple of spelling corrections were noted. Bob Farmer made the motion that we approve the minutes of the meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out by Mary Wagner and discussed. Mary went through the handout explaining line items. It was noted that the profit and loss by fund sheet is split into two categories. One is the debt service fund and the other is the operating fund. Also reviewed were the differences between these funds. It was also noted that we should only show the operating portion of the budget on the profit and loss budget vs. actual. Also noted was that the check to Hank Lopez has not yet been cashed. This check was in payment for his driveway.
It was also noted that we have to certify a mil levy by 15 Dec. of this year. The budgetary sequence was discussed.
Mike also noted that he received a call from a person who said that he might be able to get a better return on our money that what we are getting now. Bob Farmer will contact him.
Mike also received a call from an insurance person who also might be able to get us a better rate. Mark Johns took the info and will contact this person to see if we may get a better deal.
Dick reviewed the operator’s report. They spent 9.75 hours monitoring the system and 3.75 hours maintaining the system. He reviewed the meters read and noted those people who are using water at a rate that may exceed that allowed. So far this month we have used 625K gallons.
Samples have been taken at the hydrants. Chlorine levels are running at .05.
A meter leak at 7562 Spring was fixed.
Dick will take a test for an operator’s license on 23 Nov. EBCWD will reimburse the cost.
Frank and Dick will also take a class on 20 August. EBCWD will also reimburse this expense.
Unfinished Business
Site Plan Reviews
Mike noted that both Keeler and McMynn have applied for site plan reviews. Mr. Keeler has asked for a well permit for his site. Mr. McMynn has not. The county will have to approve these site plans.
Transfer/sale of taps
We have not been asked to look for anyone who would want to sell a tap. We again discussed this transfer/sale of taps. Mike asked Dick Lyons to write a form that we could use if someone wished to sell their tap. Mike handed out this form.
Bob Farmer made a motion that we do not amend our current rules and regulations with respect to the transfer/sale of taps but wait until we wait until we have a buyer and seller come to us and then deal with the matter accordingly. Rick Moeller seconded the motion. During discussion it was noted that we should amend the motion to include the completion of the form previously discussed when the buyer and seller have concurred on the sale of a tap, before our considering whether we approve the transfer/sale. Bob Farmer and Rick Moeller both agreed to the amendment. The motion was approved unanimously.
Wells and Well Permits
Dick noted that as long as water is in the street, the state would not okay well permits. The only way to obtain a well permit would be to obtain a letter from Lafayette stating that they would never issue a tap for that particular lot. Ultimately, the state engineer makes the decision and we may have input to him.
Landscape Restoration:
Mike noted that he received a fax from CPL rejecting our offer included in a letter from Mike Deck to Ramon Diaz (CPL) on 16 July 2002. The fax noted that they felt that they could hydroseed and hydro mulch for about $1500 to $3000 instead of the $10K, which we had to determine. It was noted that they omitted in their estimate the cost of the soil preparation and watering which could easily more that triple their estimate.
Mark Johns made the motion that we reexamined our offer and that we let that offer stand. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Thompson Driveway
We have met (Bob Champ) with Green Pastures Tractor Service and Joel Thompson and reviewed the grading and lining of the driveway. We have received an estimate from Mike Yee (Green Pastures Tractor Service) for doing the work at $2970.
Rick Moeller made the motion that we authorize payment in the amount of $2970 to Green Pastures Tractor Service after obtaining a work contract from them to complete the task as per the estimate. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mike will write a letter to Joel Thompson and Fred Linder informing them of our actions and note that upon completion of this work we have fulfilled our obligation for the repair of the driveway.
Lopez Driveway
Our check to Mr. Lopez has not yet been cashed. We will wait and see if and when the check is cashed. Cashing of the check notes that he is satisfied with the payment terms.
Gen set:
The reasons for obtaining a gen set were reviewed for the new board members. Terry has received bids for both a 60KW and 100KW gen sets from two different sources. Wagner Power Systems declined to bid. Industrial Power Systems (Kohler Generator) gave a bid of $17,300 and $21,500 for the two generators. These bids did not include offloading which was thought to be on the order of $500. Cummins Rocky Mountain (Onan Generators) bid $18,995 and $22,980 for the two generators, including off loading. Terry noted that the Onan generators had lower decibel ratings (68 dba vs. 71-74 dba). The generators use natural gas and the 60 kw gen set is about 8.5 ft. by 3.5 ft and the 100 kw gen set is 11 ft 10 in. by 3.5 ft. The concrete pad and electrical hookup will be independently contracted. It was noted that we have the money budgeted in the capital plan for the generator.
Rick Moeller made the motion that we purchase the larger size (100KW) Onan Generator from Cummins Rocky Mountain. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Terry will get an engineering contract together which we will have Dick look at. Terry will obtain a contractor for the electrical work. We will handle the concrete pad by contacting Mike Markham. Frank was to have contacted Public Service regarding natural gas. Mike will talk to Frank regarding the status of the natural gas. It was also noted that the concrete pad should be made larger so as to accommodate a cinder block housing which would further attenuate the sound.
New Business:
Billing Matters:
The billing discrepancy with Mr. Yaron will be handled next spring and it is on the order of $1K. Bob Farmer will handle another error in usage.
Long Term Capital Plan:
Tabled to next meeting.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, August 20, 2002.