East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

18 February 2002

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bill Barclay, Bob Ristinen and Bob Champ). Dick Winters and Frank Hauke (Water System Operators) were present. Dick Lyons (legal counsel) and Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) were present and Terry Kenyon (Engineering) arrived later in the meeting. No members of the public were present.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 21 January 2002 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bill Barclay and approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out and discussed. Again, it was noted that we have about $150K on the plus side meaning that we may be able to expedite some capital projects. It was also noted that we gained on the order of $4366 last month. We now have over $13K in the checking account. The receivables were discussed and they were noted as water bills, which for the most part have now been paid. We reviewed operating expenses versus receivables and noted that we should pay attention to this as we receive more data.


The upcoming election was discussed. It was noted that Rick Moeller had submitted a self-nomination form. Mike Deck submitted his self nomination form at this meeting leaving one vacancy to be filled as both Bob Ristinen and Bill Barclay are not seeking another term.

Bob Farmer made a motion to authorize the election official (Bob Champ) to cancel the election after 5 March 2002 if there are not more nominees than vacancies on the board. Bob Ristinen seconded the nomination, which passed unanimously. The notice of cancellation must be posted and published.

Dick also noted that candidates would need to fill out a candidate affidavit form, which Mike will get and also forward to Rick Moeller. This form should be filed with the county clerk.

When property changes owners, the new property owner will have to sign a new form agreeing that they will not connect to another water supply (e.g. well). Dick will get a form for this.


Frank and Dick handed out their report, which covered the time from 13 Jan. to 11 Feb. Frank reviewed the report. One item to note was that Frank had a spreadsheet of water coming in and water going out and he noticed we are off by about 2000 gallons per day. No leaks have been noticed. The difference may be with the meter reading and it will be continually monitored. It was brought up by Dick that this problem has been noticed in other districts and is not unusual. The efficiency of the booster pumps was discussed. Frank noted that in summer months we may be prone to electrical shut downs and we should look at methods to protect against this. This necessitates a wiring diagram, which Terry will address. Also discussed was the location of the tanks. It was noted that the tanks have been there for 30 years and that we have a prescriptive right for their location. It was noted that we must get a new easement for the new tank. The enlargement of the air vents on the existing tanks was also discussed and Frank and Dick will enlarge them to 2 inches. Terry thought that this should be done.

Unfinished Business:


Mike gave an update on the status of the punch list items. Two items remain to be dealt with. One is a landscaping issue and the other is a driveway issue. Mike felt we should ask the property owners via a letter to itemize the items to be done.

Mike also proposed that he and Bob Farmer have a map, which will delineate the kind of landscaping work to be done. There would be 3 degrees of work to be accomplished noted by the shading on the map. The first would be done according to contract specs, the second would be hydroseeding and the third would be grading. Noxious weeds must also be attended to. CPL will then get the map.


Aquasource issues:

Terry will check with Greg but he thinks we are done.

Gen set:

Terry reviewed the status on the used gen set versus a new gen set. A new gen set would cost about $25K with a sound enclosure. Installation would be in the $15K - $20K range. Terry is still obtaining the cost data on the used gen set so we can compare the costs. It would be advantageous to have this by the summer months, if possible. It is in the capital plan.

Pump station improvements:

Terry discussed that they will trade engineering hours for the cost of relocating the input pipe which was mistakenly located previously. This approach was satisfactory to the board but should not be something we would want to do as a matter of course. There was discussion about removing the old pipe from lot 4 and it was decided that this should be done.

Terry gave Frank and Dick the plans for the pipeline.

Terry will check with Greg on the pumpstation plans.

Operator’s manuals are still in progress of being finalized.


Meter Reading/ billing:

It was decided that we remain with Aquasource for meter reading. They now have purchased a wand for reading. Because we will not be hiring an employee to do this job we had to make a decision on whether our operators should be contract or employees. Bob Farmer made the motion that we hire Frank Hauke and Dick Winters as part time employees of the district with no benefits. Bill Barclay seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. We will obtain Workmen’s Comp insurance and Mary will put the necessary steps in place to effect this.

Water quality plan:

Mike has talked to the state and clarified some issues. Mike will work on the report with them. The lead and copper testing will have to be set up but that is not due until May.

New Business:

Casualty insurance was discussed. It was decided that we would need casualty insurance on the pipeline. Terry will investigate how much insurance we will need. Mike will be in touch with the SDA with respect to this insurance.

Databases were discussed connecting taps to people. There is concern that as a matter of time it will become problematic not having owners of taps involved in the database. Mike will talk to the owner of the software to see if there is a possible fix to the problem.

Dues to the SDA are due. Bill Barclay made a motion that we renew membership in the Special Districts Association. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

It was noted that MWE are raising rates this year.


A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Ristinen, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, February 19, 2002.