East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
17 June 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:03 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Rick Moeller and Mark Johns (boardmembers) were absent (excused). Frank Hauke and Dick Winters (Water System Operators) were present. Also present were Dick Lyons (legal counsel), Terry Kenyon (engineering) and Mary Wagner (bookkeeper). Dan Schommer (auditor) was also present, as were five members of the public.
Public Comments:
Mr. Keeler (public) is interested in purchasing water taps for his lots (#51 and #52). Because of Lafayette’s restrictions due to the drought he was interested in how we go about effecting this purchase. Mr. Keeler’s attorney was present and discussed the IGA from his viewpoint. Discussion ensued on whether Lafayette was bound by the contract to issue taps to EBCWD. The matter was tabled to be dealt with under new business.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 29 May 2002 Community Meeting were discussed. Some additions and changes to the minutes were noted. Bob Farmer made the motion that we approve the minutes of the meeting as amended. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The minutes of the 20 May 2002 meeting were discussed. Bob Farmer noted that the bond interest was paid after the meeting and the minutes should reflect this. A motion was made by Bob Farmer that we approve the minutes of the meeting, as amended. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously.
Auditors Report:
Dan Schommer (Watkins and Schommer, Inc.) handed out the Report on the Audit of the East Boulder County Water District dated 31 December 2001. Dan briefly went through the report page by page. Discussion ensued on how we construct next year’s budget and if we should separate out the Enterprise and the Government portions of the budget. Bob Farmer made the motion that we accept the audit report. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and the motion passed unanimously.
Dan also gave us a proposal for next year’s audit, which we will consider. Dan will also mail the report to two banks that require it and the state auditor’s office.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out by Mary Wagner and discussed.
Also attached to the handout was table documenting EBCWD water usage comparisons. The table was discussed. .
Frank e-mails the Operator’s report to the board. Mike handed out a copy of the report. The PRV stabilization work has been done. Other topics were also discussed in some detail. Those residences which had high usages so far this month were noted. It was decided that we should read the Master Meter once a week after 7 am Monday morning.
Water Quality Plan:
Lafayette, as a supplier, will issue the Consumer Confidence Report.
Lead and Copper Testing:
In Progress.
Unfinished Business
Landscape Restoration:
Bill Eliason (County) has noted a couple of items that he would like fixed regarding paving. With respect to landscaping, he feels it would probably be acceptable to the county. The landscaping was discussed. It was decided we should arrive at a figure of area to be reseeded and withhold from CPL the amount of money required to accomplish this task in the future. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.
The Thompson Driveway will be the district’s responsibility and Bob Champ will obtain an estimate for road base and leveling. Width will need landscaping and because of the drought may have to be done in the fall.
Mr. Lopez was present and discussed the problems associated with his driveway. A docket of letters was handed out by Mike Deck regarding this problem including an estimate for repair. Because of missed deadlines by the homeowner documenting the problem, CPL has been excused from responsibility for rectifying this situation. Mike offered that it may be possible to split the cost of repair (about $3440) three ways (CPL, homeowner, EBCWD). This will be proposed to CPL. Mike will reply to the homeowner in writing.
Gen set:
Terry discussed getting bids from three supplies on the 60 and 100 KW gen sets and presenting them to the board at the next meeting. Because this is equipment purchase a notice for bids will not have to be done.
Terry noted that we should pay the Aquasource invoices directly.
Water storage was tabled for future discussion.
Water usage/ status: Discussed under operator’s report. We are under running the master meter limit set by Lafayette
Lead and copper testing: Mike had a list of houses built from 1983 to 1989 and he will find out if they have copper pipes. Frank will get bottles from the lab for sampling.
New Business:
Lafayette Taps:
Copies of the IGA were handed out and discussed in some detail how it relates to purchase of new taps. Mike reviewed the timeline of communications with Lafayette prior to and subsequent to their adoption of the drought ordnance. After much discussion, it was decided that Mike and Dick Lyons (EBCWD counsel) would draft a letter asking for the two taps and in this letter delineate that it is in the best interests of both Lafayette and EBCWD to issue these taps. Bob Farmer made the motion that we allow Mike Deck and Dick Lyons to draft and post this letter to Doug Short. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. It was also decided that Mike would talk to Doug prior to sending the letter to let him know of its contents in advance.
Hardship Exemption Requests:
Mr. N. Aweida has requested a hardship exemption to water sod, which cost in excess of $20,000. This matter was discussed and it was the consensus of the board was that he should remain under the Lafayette restrictions. We will monitor the meter and help him comply with the 25,000 gallon per month restriction. Mike will inform him of the decision. Frank discussed his measurements on the meter and noted that it was accurate. With no PRV valve some backflow was noted, but this is of a minimal amount. Also discussed was who is responsible for the cost of determining whether a meter is accurate or not when a homeowner requests this determination. The board feels that the homeowner is responsible for the cost (time and materials) if the meter is determined to be operating correctly.
Discussion also ensued on a leak at the Yaron residence, which resulted in a high water bill. An adjustment may be necessary with respect to this incident. This topic was tabled for future consideration.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Champ, seconded by Bob Farmer and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, June 18, 2002.