East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
18 March 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:07 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Bob Ristinen and Bob Champ). Bill Barclay’s absence was excused. Dick Winters and Frank Hauke (Water System Operators) were present. Stephanie Moore and Rick Moeller of the public were present. Ramon Diaz Sr., Ramon Diaz Jr. and Gabriel Bernal of CPL were present. Terry Kenyon and Andy Rice from MWE were also present.
Public Comments:
Mike Deck passed out a handout listing invoices, which have been given us by CPL. Of these 12 invoices 7 remain open for discussion with CPL. Also given to the Board were the original invoices with subsequent communications between Mike Deck and CPL.
Ramon Diaz Jr. remarked that many of the invoices were due to changes made in the direction of the pipeline and these changes caused an increase in cost. Terry remarked that this was a unit price contract normally used in these instances to simplify the contract and that the changes in site conditions were not significantly different. Mike noted that invoices were late in being submitted. Mike told Ramon that we would, as a Board, go into executive session to determine how to negotiate these invoices.
Oral change orders were discussed and it was noted that only written change orders could be considered. Discussion also ensued on down time for CPL crews while waiting for decisions on main directions. MWE thought that crews could be used elsewhere during this time. This occurred primarily because Boulder County required the work to be accomplished in 5 phases.
Discussion also ensued on the amount of time spent to complete a job. MWE noted that they thought there was a discrepancy in the amount of time to complete jobs on the invoice and what actually took place.
The asphalt-patching invoice was okayed by Mike Deck and he explained the rationale used in okaying this invoice. Much construction traffic was noted in this area and it is impossible to assign actual cause of the wear and tear.
Stephanie Moore discussed her Landscaping issues and the disruption of her irrigation lines. She had an estimate to repair the lines (about $300). Ramon Diaz Jr. agreed to repair the landscaping issues and we would pay and deduct from CPL the cost of fixing the irrigation lines.
Invoice #1238 for $96200 for vertical alignment of the pipeline and down time for utility locates was discussed in detail. It was noted that the invoice was late in being submitted. Mike noted that the contract stipulates a 10day limit on change orders. MWE said that the contractor, according to the contract, is responsible for locates.
Landscaping restoration was then discussed in some detail. Mike gave out an amendment to the contract describing seeding and sodding. It was noted that the restoration to date has not met the contract specifications. The county must agree and sign off on the landscaping restoration. This amendment must be agreed to by the county. Mike impressed on CPL that the job must be done right in order to obtain the county sign off. Mike will provide a map to CPL showing landscaping detail. We will provide water via a hydrant. CPL will discuss the amendment with their landscaping subcontractor and get back to us. The district will landscape the area from the pumphouse to the street because we will continue working in this area. CPL will restore the lot where the pipeline was stored. CPL will also remove noxious weeds at 966 Paragon. Severe ruts on shoulders were also addressed. In certain instances, road base may be required to solve these soft shoulder issues. Mike will talk to Bill Eliason on these issues.
The Lopez Driveway was discussed and it is assumed that he is now satisfied with the work as he was supposed to notify us to the contrary at or before this meeting.
The culvert at the John’s residence should be repaired with road base cover. Mike will give CPL the address and they will repair.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 18 February 2002 meeting were discussed. A motion was made by Bob Ristinen that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss ytd comparisons for February and March and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out and discussed.
The election was cancelled and the proof of publication has been received. Rick Moeller and Mike Deck have been elected by acclamation. Bob Ristinen and Bill Barclay will be on the Board until May 6th. We still need one more board member and we will search for another board member.
Frank discussed the Operator’s report. They put in 2.5 hours monitoring the system from February 11 to March 10. 56 hours were spent maintaining the system, including supervision of Mike’s Backhoe for pumpstaion improvements. This work is now completed. The tanks are in very good condition and could be kept when we expand the storage volume. Frank had an estimate of $1600 to inspect and clean. This may be done in the future. Chlorine testing passed. No lead or copper testing has been done yet. Correlation of water used to water bought was much better (within 2.4%). This is within the tolerance of the meters.
The pay scale for work was discussed and will be addressed by the board in the executive session.
Aquasource issues:
Greg will obtain a schematic and operator’s manual for the system. An invoice has not been received.
Gen set:
Terry reviewed the status on the used gen set versus a new gen set. A new gen set would cost about $25K with a sound enclosure. The cost of the used gen set would include about $800- 1000 for diagnosing, $2500 to convert to natural gas and about $4000 to move. It also does not have a sound enclosure and would not be warranted. Cost of installation would be a wash. Because of these circumstances it was thought a new gen set would be the most judicious decision. Terry will get prices on several gen sets.
Bob Farmer made the motion that we authorize Terry Kenyon (MWE) to get bids on gen sets. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Terry will also consider the logistics involved to make this happen as expeditiously as possible.
Pump station improvements:
The water line coming in must still be rerouted. Terry will get the water district plans on CD.
Meter Reading/ billing:
A new person will be reading the meters either on the last day of the month or the first day of the next month. We will read semi monthly until May 1 when we will read monthly. Bob Farmer noted that one meter was shut off because the house was vacant and the usage was at 196,000 gallons/ month.
Executive Session:
Terry Kenyon was invited to join the executive session with the board.
Bob Champ made the motion that we go into an executive session pursuant to section 24-6-402(4)(e) for purposes of discussing the negotiation with CPL on invoices pertaining to the pipeline contract. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Bob Champ made the motion that we come out of executive session. Bob Ristinen seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
New Business:
By discussion it was decided to resume paying the operators on a rate of $40/hr for maintenance and $25/hr for inspection.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Ristinen and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, March 19, 2002.