East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
20 May 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Bob Farmer, Richard Moeller and Bob Champ). Frank Hauke (Water System Operator) was present. Gene Prince member of the public was present. Greg Scholl from MWE was also present.
Introduction and Swearing-in of Richard Moeller:
Richard Moeller was sworn in by Mike Deck. Mike Deck was also sworn in at this time. The necessary documents were signed and will be delivered to Dick Lyons, our attorney. Bob Farmer made the motion that Richard Moeller be nominated as the vice-chairman of the water district. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
Gene Prince noted that he was present to learn more about the Lafayette water shortage and how it affects our situation.
Frank Hauke asked about the mounds of dirt on the Walshe property. Mike noted that the county should be contacted for complaints.
Rick Moeller asked about liability insurance for board members. Mike will get him the phone number of the person to contact in the Special Districts Association who provides our insurance.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 15 April 2002 meeting were discussed. Mike noted we were going to contact Public Service about supplying natural gas to the gen set. Frank will contact them to see if adequate supply is available. A motion was made by Rick Moeller that we approve the minutes of the meeting. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual were handed out Bob Farmer and discussed. Bond interest will be been paid. Colotrust is paying 1.75% and Bob noted we may get higher interest somewhere else for at least some of the monies. He will look into this and see if it would be feasible.
Bob also noted that we still have not obtained a bill from Aquasource. The invoice has been submitted to MWE and is being reviewed. Greg (MWE) will contact Bob with amounts on invoices for budgeting purposes.
Also attached to the handout was a table documenting EBCWD water usage comparisons. The table was discussed. May usage was 1.35 M gallons, which would be more than we will be allotted under the rationing plan. Bob Farmer noted that CPL used about 600K gallons for watering landscaping.
Frank discussed the Operator’s report. They noted the time put in monitoring and maintaining the system. The report noted various fire hydrant maintenance items, meter maintenance items, water testing and marking of water lines. Leaking flange fittings were again noted as problem to be addressed. A Flush and Maintenance Procedure for fire hydrants has been written.
Dick and Frank will start addressing the meter leaks.
Water Quality Plan:
Lafayette, as a supplier, will issue the Consumer Confidence Report.
Lead and Copper Testing:
In Progress.
Unfinished Business
CPL Punch list:
The punch list was sent to CPL on May 1. The items discussed were the Lopez Driveway, the Thompson Driveway and the Landscape Restoration. The stain on the Lopez Driveway was discussed in some detail. It is thought by Ramon Diaz (CPL) that it is not something that would be under warranty. Bob Farmer feels that it will be gone in 2 to 3 years and is not something that we should be concerned with. Mr. Lopez has not contacted us further on this issue.
The Thompson Driveway will be the district’s responsibility and Mike will obtain an estimate for road base and leveling. Width will need landscaping and because of the drought may have to be done in the fall.
CPL feels that the landscaping restoration has been accomplished. This was discussed in some detail and it was noted that the drought would affect doing landscaping during the summer months. Overall, our feeling is that the grass is not established (Mike and Rick evaluated about two-thirds of the district). It was noted that we are responsible for the landscaping around the pumphouse. At this juncture it was thought we would wait and see if the grass becomes established before reconciling with CPL.
Gen set:
Discussion ensued about a more powerful Gen Set that would power not only a fire pump (400-500 gpm) but also one of the domestic pumps. It was thought that we should look into this scaling up of the gen set. Greg had information on the difference in cost between the two gen sets and it was about $9K.
The more powerful gen set would use more natural gas (from about (770 cu.ft./hr versus about 1100 cu.ft./hr). Frank will talk to Public Service about the supply of natural gas available.
Bob Farmer made a motion authorizing the preparation of Bids by MWE for both generator sets. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
We have the As-built district plans on CD.
Greg is working on the operator’s manuals (time is not being charged).
New Business:
Water Shortage Plan:
Mike had copies of the Ordinance, which Lafayette is considering for water rationing. This ordinance was discussed in detail. This ordinance will adopt a new rate structure for large amounts of water. It will also implement irrigation restrictions, primarily on lawns. We have been assigned a two-hour period on Saturdays for irrigation. It was noted that our system would not handle this demand but Mike noted that Doug Short (Lafayette) was willing to work with us on this matter. Penalties were also discussed. Construction water would be only non-potable water. Maximum Unrestricted Water Volumes are noted in the ordinance and for our master meter we are allowed 1.285 million gallons/mo. (4" meter).
Discussion ensued on whether our wells could be used to augment supply. It was thought that this would be problematic but something that should be kept in mind for future consideration.
The contract with Lafayette was reviewed and it was noted that we are being treated equally to those in the city. It was also noted that Baseline Reservoir has not been connected to their treatment facility and it was surmised that Lafayette would be actively engaged in finding and buying water for the future. It was also noted that they could disengage from us over a five-year period but because out of city use is about 1% of total use this is highly unlikely.
New taps were also discussed and it was noted that these should be discouraged, especially this summer.
It was thought that we should schedule a community meeting to discuss the water shortage plan. We will try to schedule the meeting for Wednesday or Thursday of next week at St. Ambrose.
It was noted that we should be tuned into long term solutions to this sort of problem. The 100,000-gallon storage tank will only buffer the system. We may need to purchase water rights and provide Lafayette water.
Days and times of watering were discussed and Mike will talk to Doug Short about a realistic method for accomplishing this with our infrastructure.
Frank noted that our peak usage during the summer would be about 2M gallons/month. Based on this number we would have to cut water consumption to 1.285M gallons/month or 64%. Methods of staggering days and times of watering were discussed. Three zones from 7 pm to 7 am will be discussed with Lafayette.
Enforcement and monitoring of the master meter and some individual meters was also discussed. It was thought it would be advantageous to purchase a meter reader for monitoring purposes. Greg will find out if the master meter can be read with this meter. Frank, Dick and Rick will take readings where and when appropriate.
Residences that do not comply with the rationing restrictions will be fined and treated according to the Lafayette Ordinance. This means that a flow restrictor can be installed and a charge would be levied for removal ($250).
Pricing was discussed and it was decided that we should adopt Lafayette’s pricing structure with our $1 uplift.
A motion was made by Rick Moeller that we adopt a resolution that we will implement rates and fees and adjustments to our rules and regulations so as to conform with Lafayette’s Ordinance No. 12, Series 2002. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike Deck will get out a newsletter informing the district of our water shortage plan and that we are having a community meeting.
Bob Farmer made a motion directing Mike Deck to draft rate changes and amending the rules and regulations to comply to Lafayette’s Ordinance No. 12, Series 2002 and go into effect on 1 June 2002 unless we have a prior meeting of the board. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Bob Champ made a motion that we purchase a meter reading device for about $550. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Bob Farmer will order the meter with input from Greg.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, May 21, 2002.