East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
18 November 2002
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:03 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Mike Deck, Rick Moeller, Mark Johns, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Frank Hauke and Dick Winters (Water System Operators) were present. Also present was Mary Wagner (bookkeeper). No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 21 October 2002 meeting were discussed. Mark Johns made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 21 October meeting. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual (Operating) were handed out by Mary Wagner and discussed. The final payment of about $37000 was paid to CPL. Mark Johns brought up the topic of a lien waiver that CPL should provide as a notarized document. Mike will check with Terry about this document.
Frank reviewed the operator’s report, which was e-mailed to the board. They spent 5.75 hours monitoring the system and 2 hours maintaining the system. Chlorine level was measured at 0.65 mg/l, which passed.
Lead and copper samples were tested and all samples passed.
Meters were read on 10/28/02 because of the impending snowstorm.
There are 25 old meters that will need to be replaced. The cost is included in the 2003 budget.
Complete documentation of the pump house has not yet been received from Terry.
Dick has made an extension for the meter at the Anderson Residence.
Budget Hearing
Mark Johns moved that we open the Budget Hearing. The motion was seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved. Mike had the proof of publication from the Daily Camera (11/12/02) and noted that the meeting notice was posted at 3 public places. The budget can also be viewed on the World Wide Web at http://www.cleansoft.net/ebcwd. Frank Hauke wanted to know if the monies needed to replace the old meters was in the 2003 budget. Mike noted that the monies to replace the meters were in the budget.
Mark Johns made the motion that we close the Budget Hearing. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike then passed out copies of the budget. The Water Enterprise Fund Budget was discussed. It was noted that the water refund line could be deleted and the money subtracted from the water refund. The second page of the Water Enterprise Fund Budget elucidated the capitol expense items for 2003. This included construction, easement purchase, engineering and a transfer from reserves (gen set). This total amounted to 129,300 dollars. It was noted that the pump station might be out of warranty in 2003. Mike and Bob Farmer will find out when final payment to Aquasource was made, thereby beginning the warranty period.
The Debt Service Fund Budget was then discussed. The algorithm for arriving at the mill levy was elucidated by Mary. Essentially one knows the debt service expenditures and the assessed valuation of the district and thereby can calculate the mill levy (AV x mill levy = Taxes). The mil levy is 21.510.
Bob Farmer made the motion that we adopt the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for 2003. The motion was seconded by Mark Johns and approved unanimously.
Rick Moeller made the motion to pass the resolution to appropriate sums of money for the Water Enterprise Fund ($296,001) for the year 2003. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mark Johns made the motion to pass the resolution to appropriate sums of money for the Debt Service Fund ($159,732) for the year 2003. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Bob Farmer made the motion to approve the resolution to certify the mil levy at 21.510 for the year 2003. Mark Johns seconded the motion. Mary reviewed how the mill levy was calculated. The motion was then unanimously approved.
Bob Farmer made the motion that we allow Mike Deck and Robert Champ to execute the above resolutions on the Boards behalf. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike will obtain the resolutions from Dick Lyons and they will be signed and forwarded to the Division of Local Governments and the County Assessor.
Mark Johns asked to have the bond payoff schedule reviewed. It was noted that the principal increases over the years and that hopefully the assessed valuation of the district increases appropriately.
Unfinished Business
Gen Set
Mark Johns talked to Greg Oxenfeld (County Planner) about the gen set. He would like a letter noting why we need the gen set. Mike will draft a letter to him which Dick will review noting our reasons for having this back up electrical system. Mike will also talk to Terry about holding up the ordering and shipping of the gen set until we get a permit from the County.
Mike talked to Ron Swinson (Xcel) about the gas supply line. No major problems were noted and we can contract out the digging and installation of the line. .
New Business:
Mike noted that Hix Insurance Associates provides the same insurance as the SDA Liability Pool for less money. Rick Moeller made the motion that we obtain property and liability insurance from Hix Insurance Associates for 2003. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mark will also talk to Hix about Workmans Comp, which is still provided by the SDA Liability Pool.
Director’s Comment:
Mike noted that he received a letter from a customer noting concern about the water rate schedule. He thought that the increase in rates was extremely punitive with respect to accidental usage of water. Mike will write a response noting that the board is very receptive to appealing accidental usage of water and that these cases could be reviewed by the board and dismissed when appropriate.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Champ, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:43 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, November 19, 2002.