East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
20 January 2003
The meeting was called to order by Rick Moeller at 4:08 PM. Those in attendance were the board members (Rick Moeller, Mark Johns, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ). Dick Winters (Water System Operator) was present. Also present was Mary Wagner (bookkeeper). No members of the public were present. Mike Deck (President) was absent (excused).
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 16 December 2002 meeting were discussed. Mark Johns noted that Rick Moeller was noted as having made and seconded a motion to approve the previous months minutes. It was noted that Bob Farmer had seconded that motion. Bob Farmer made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 16 December meeting, as amended. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund and P&L budget vs. actual (Operating) for the year 2002 were handed out by Mary Wagner and discussed. This was not the final year end statement as the final water bill has not yet been received. Bob Farmer noted that because we had not spent capital allotted for 2002 we had more money in the bank than budgeted. This money will be carried over to 2003 and will be spent for the capital improvements during the year.
Dick reviewed the operator’s report, which was e-mailed to the board. They spent 2.25 hours monitoring the system and 5 hours maintaining the system. Chlorine level was measured at 0.77 mg/l, which passed.
Meters were read on 12/31/02.
Dick also had a spreadsheet of water used by all customers and a spreadsheet monitoring water coming in from Lafayette and water being used by the district. The differential for December was 4.7% up from 4.0% for November. This discrepancy in water in greater than water out will continue to be monitored as it may be an indicator of a leak in the system.
A graph of chlorine for last year was also presented.
The meter extension at the Anderson Residence has been installed.
Dick also had a letter noting that he passed the Water Operator’s Certification Test and gave a bill to Mary for costs with respect to the Certification (on the order of $60).
Dick also gave Rick a letter from a construction company in Wellington, CO that does tank installations.
Unfinished Business
Gen Set
The building permit was denied for reasons associated with the concrete pad drawings. This will be relayed to Terry (MWE) and it was thought that a more detailed drawing would solve the problem.
Water Storage
The option of making the storage tank smaller and use the existing tanks as storage was discussed (total making 100,000 gallons). Bob Farmer expressed concern of having these tanks in series and problems that could arise from valveing. It was decided to table discussion on this topic until Mike and Terry were present.
New Business:
Customer Reaction to Rate Increase
No one had heard any response to the rate increase.
Approve $800 donation to St. Ambrose Church for use of room
Bob Farmer made the motion that we approve the donation of $800 for use of the facility for meetings. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Director’s Comment:
The meeting date and posting places were discussed and it was decided that the 3rd Monday of the month would continue to be our meeting date and the posting locations would remain on Mike’s mailbox (7526 Spring Dr.) and on the Pump Station (7493 Spring Drive). It was thought that changing the posting from Bob Champ’s mailbox (7557 Empire Dr.) to Rick Moeller’s mailbox (370 Paragon Drive) would be a possible change for better visibility. Bob Farmer made the motion that we set the 3rd Monday of the month at 4 PM at St. Ambrose Church as our meeting date and that the posting locations be at 7526 Spring Drive, 7493 Spring Drive and 370 Paragon Drive. Mark John’s seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Mark Johns and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 4:58 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 21, 2003.