East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

16 June 2003

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were the other board members (Mark Johns, Bob Farmer, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators (Frank Hauke and Dick Winters). Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Dan Schommer (auditor) were also present. No members of the public were present.

Auditor’s Report:

Dan Schommer handed out the auditor’s report for the year ending on 12/31/2002. In the auditor’s opinion, the EBCWD financial statements are in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the USA. A mathematical correction was noted on page 13 (Schedule 2), which Dan will correct. Mark Johns made the motion that we accept the auditor’s report, as amended. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mike asked Dan about amending our 2003 budget because of the possibility of selling more taps than budgeted. Dan thought we should do this during out 2004 budget hearing in the fall of this year.

Bob Farmer made the motion that we engage Watkins and Schommer, Inc. as our auditors for the year ending 2003. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mike Deck signed the agreement engaging Watkins and Schommer as our auditors for the year 2003.

Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 19 May 2003 meeting were discussed. Bob Farmer made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 19 May meeting. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparison and P&L budget vs. actual (Operating) were e-mailed to the board by Mary Wagner and discussed. Nothing out of the ordinary was noticed.


Frank reviewed the operator’s report.

They spent 3 hours monitoring the system and 4 hours maintaining the system last month.

Chlorine level was measured at 0.48 mg/l, which passed.

An air compressor was worked on.

Meters were read on 5/31/03.

Water in / Water out is still being monitored and poses somewhat of an enigma. This will continue to be monitored. Bob Farmer noted a sinkhole near his house which Frank and Dick will look into.

Water was also noticed in the Lafayette main meter pit. Frank and Dick could not identify any leaks. They will continue to monitor. Also, the cover will be modified to facilitate handling. A leak was investigated in Benchmark and it was determined not to be associated with the water system.

Unfinished Business

Gen Set

Mark Johns has obtained an estimate for electrical work for $11,800. Mark also noted that initially the wrong gen set was received but this was remedied and we now have the correct gen set delivered.

The logistics of the installation was discussed and it was thought that final payment to Rocky Mtn. Cummins would not be made until the gen set is installed and operative. Bob Farmer noted that we have paid $4827.95 for engineering on this project. It was noted that Rocky Mtn. Cummins would break in and tutor us on the use of the gen set.

It was decided that we should expedite the installation and the first step is to engage an electrician to connect the gen set. Rick Moeller made the motion that we authorize Mark Johns to obtain bids and contract an electrician to do the electrical work. Bob Farmer seconded the amendment, which passed unanimously. Mark noted he would inform the board of his intentions prior to making his decision.

Water Storage

Rick and Mark requested the IGA amendment with Lafayette where we stipulated that we would increase water storage in the district. Mike reviewed the history regarding this improvement and will get them the amendment to the IGA. Mark and Rick have contacted Dick Lyons regarding the negotiations for the easement and are preparing to start this process.

Article 11 Amendment:

This article adopts Lafayette emergency Water conservation regulations as of today. Bob Farmer made the motion that we adopt Lafayette regulations as our amended Article 11. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Lead and Copper Testing:

The operators have the bottles and are ready for the test to be done on 22 June. Mike will find the necessary paper work associated with the test and inform those in the district that are involved.

New Business:

Burns Landscaping:

Dan Burns talked to Bob Champ about his inability to mow the ditch where the water main was installed. Apparently there is to steep an angle to the ditch to allow his tractor to do the job. He would like this fixed, perhaps by burying a drainage pipe and leveling. Bob Farmer related that Dan oversaw the landscaping restoration while CPL was installing the water main and that he directed the restoration. Based on this, the board decided that Bob Champ relay this to Dan and tell him that we were not going to do any further landscaping on his property. Dan could consult with the county with respect to his concerns.

McLaughlin Rincon Engineering Design Consulting

Terry Kenyon submitted a proposal on the Water Storage Tank. The proposal was discussed. It was decided that we have had a good working relationship with Terry Kenyon and that he would be a valuable engineer to have on the project. Bob Farmer made the motion that we accept the proposal on the Water Storage Tank from Mclaughlin Rincon. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Lot 4 Panorama Park:

Apparently there is interest in selling this lot (Pumphouse lot) for about $250,000. Mike was approached as to whether the board would be interested in considering buying for this price. The board discussed the matter and decided there was no interest in purchasing the lot for this price.

Revised water use restrictions:

At the Lafayette City Council meeting the Dept. of Public Works will recommend lifting all water use restrictions as of 7/10/03. It is our intent to inform the district of this via a bill insert and that we would comply with the Lafayette decision. Mark Johns made the motion that we prepare a bill insert informing our users that Lafayette (thus EBCWD) has lifted watering restrictions as of 7/10/03 (contingent on passing by Lafayette City Council). Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.

Domain Name/ web hosting:

It was decided to obtain a domain name for the district. The cost is $20 per year and the domain name was agreed upon to be EastBoulderWater.com.

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the Board

Customers in the district must receive the water quality report by 1 July 2003. This entails our getting copies of Lafayette’s Report, copies of our Consumer Confidence Report and mailing the two to our customers so that they are received by 1 July. Mark and Rick will obtain these materials and mail them.

Mike Deck and the members of the public were excused prior to our entering into an executive session.

Executive Session:

Mark Johns made the motion that we go into an executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402 (4) (e) for purposes of discussing the easement for the Water Storage Tank. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Bob Farmer made the motion that we come out of executive session. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, June 17, 2003.