East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
15 September 2003
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:08 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Bob Farmer and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators (Frank Hauke and Dick Winters). Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present. No members of the public were present. Board members Mark Johns and Rick Moeller were absent (excused).
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 18 August 2003 meeting were discussed. Bob Champ made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 18 August meeting. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparison and P&L budget vs. actual (Operating) were e-mailed to the board by Mary Wagner and discussed. Also e-mailed to the board was a detailed report on the charges incurred with respect to the gen set. It was noted that the water bill payable to Lafayette was not included in the financial statements ($5707.09) and neither was a bill for $648 with respect to the gen set. All budget items, excluding tap fees, which could not be predicted, are still near or within budget limits. It was noted we were not making a lot of money on water. The leak noted this last month could be responsible for a portion of this. Mary noted that progress is beginning on the budget for next year but a meeting with Rick has to be held to finalize a draft. The water storage tank must be included in the budget and Mike will contact Terry to try and get reasonable numbers. . Bob Farmer contacted Terry Kenyon and was satisfied that we will be billed in a satisfactory matter. Easements were discussed and Mike noted that we are trying to get an official document on the easement with respect to the existing tanks on lot #4.
Frank e-mailed the following report to the board and presented it at the meeting.
Frank noted that a locator could be purchased for about $800. Bob Farmer made the motion that we allow Frank to purchase a locator (Item no. P-832) costing about $800. Mike Deck seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
An additional set of keys for the electrical boxes were given to Bob Champ for including in the District files along with the combination to the combination lock.
Frank also said that the yearly maintenance procedures were done on 9/15/03.
The disposal of the chlorine tanks was discussed. Dick will see about how we can empty the tanks so they can then be disposed of.
Frank also noted that during the final inspection of the pumphouse the inspector noted 5 items to be corrected. Four of these were corrected. The fifth item is not really understood (Control box isolated from ground?). Frank will contact Mark to try and understand this item.
Unfinished Business
Gen Set
The gen set is now on line and operative. It was used in the recent power outage and performed admirably. Mark Johns should be commended for the time and effort expended in making sure this piece of equipment came on line in such a flawless manner.
Water Storage
Mark Johns and Rick Moeller are working on this project and in their absence Mike Deck said that he would call Mark and get an update on the progress made. A soil test has been done.
New Business
No new business was discussed.
A motion was made to adjourn by Bob Farmer, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:09 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, September 16, 2003.