East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

12 April 2004

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:09 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ), Dick Lyons (Legal) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters. Bob Farmer (Boardmember) was absent (excused). Nick Bennett, Arnold Turner (Vectra Bank), Carol Hampf (1000 Spring Dr.) and Dr. Madhavi Chander (prospective buyer of Lot#4) were also present.

Inclusion Hearing:

The meeting was opened with a public hearing on the inclusion of the Hampf residence at 1000 Spring Drive. Mike noted that the notice for the public hearing was published in the Daily Camera and that there were no comments received with respect to the inclusion. Carol Hampf had submitted the necessary paper work with a check for the inclusion fee so that the inclusion process could go forward. Mike had talked to Doug Short (Lafayette) and noted that at this time taps are available from Lafayette. Mike also noted that a drought could alter the picture the way it did in 2002 when Lafayette taps were unavailable. The tap fee was discussed along with the cost of installation. Also discussed was the separation of the well system from the EBCWD system.

Rick Moeller made the motion authorizing the president and the secretary to approve the board order to approve the inclusion of the Hampf property located at 1000 Spring Drive into the East Boulder County Water District. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

The board orders were signed and distributed appropriately. Dick Lyons (legal) will submit to the court by May 1, 2004.

Mike noted that an invoice for the tap fee would be sent to Carol Hampf immediately so that the tap may be purchased. Taxation would not occur until 2005 but billing would begin on 1 May 2004. Placing the PRV at the house because of the long run from the meter to the house may occur to alleviate a pressure drop.

Lot#4 Easement for Water Storage Tank:

Mike had a hand out which was a report from Western Soils Inc. (Gary Rosson, PE author). The report gave the results of a percolation test. The test noted that the lot would not need an engineered field. Also included in the report were drawings of the septic field locations for a 4, 5 and 6 bedroom house. Mike added drawings, which gave a 3000 sq. ft. rectangle placed in a delineated building envelope. It was noted that the location of the Water Storage Tank does not affect the location of the septic system. Arnold Turner noted that the septic field for the 6-bedroom diagram was close to the water line in the street. Mike will check with Gary Rosson on this matter.

Also discussed was the insurance the district has with respect to liability in case of tank leakage causing damage. Mike had a letter from our insurance carrier (Hix Insurance Associates, Inc.) denoting that the limits of our policy for leakage, etc. are $1,000,000. Exclusions are in the policy, such as nuclear and earthquake. Dick Lyons noted that insurance is not mandated and that this board or a future board could cancel the policy, although it would be unlikely. It was also noted that tank leakage is extremely unlikely. An e-mail from Terry Kenyon to Mike noted why this was this was true (Eng. Standards, etc.). It was discussed that language may be put into the easement stating that insurance must be maintained or the easement could be lost. The district would have to agree to such language.

The logistics of how we, in conjunction with the buyer and the seller of the lot (Vectra Bank), get the necessary authorizations from the county stating that lot #4 is a viable building site and that the water storage tank does not affect the site were discussed. It was decided that we identify the right persons at the county and arrange a meeting with them. Attendees would be Arnold Turner, Dr. Madhavi Chander, a member of the board, Dick Lyons and Terry Kenyon. Terry would have a finalized engineering drawing of lot #4.

A timeline for the events necessary to effect the water storage tank installation will be given to Arnold Turner ( Vectra Bank) along with a detailed grade map for lot #4.

The meeting with the county should give the buyer of lot #4 the assurance that the tank does not alter the ability to get a building permit.

The district will also reimburse the escrow account for the lot #4 for re-vegetation and will also haul dirt away to restore original grade.

Restrictions on the easement were also discussed. These restrictions will be put into the easement and they are minimal. For instance, irreplaceable items should not be located in the easement.

The survey for the reconveyance was also discussed. This cost may be paid for by Vectra Bank or split with the district.

Mike will try and set up the meeting with the county with the necessary people to effect resolution to the aforementioned items.

Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the 8 March 2004 minutes were discussed. Mark Johns made the motion that we approve the minutes of the March 8, 2004 meeting. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Finance Report

Rick Moeller had copies of the financial statements. Nothing out of the ordinary was noted.



Frank presented his report.


Lead and Copper testing must be completed by the end of June. Frank will obtain bottles and Mike will get the list of 5 people to be tested.

Unfinished Business:

Investment issues:

Rick will get a banking resolution from Heritage Bank for the board to act upon at the next meeting.


Directors’ Comments and other matters to come before the Board

Mike noted that he sent a map of the district to the Department of Local Affairs and also to the county assessor.

Mike also has written a letter to the owners of lots 4 through 9 notifying them of the water line in the easement on their property.


. Executive Session:

Mark Johns made the motion that we go into executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for purposes of discussing the easement negotiation on Lot #4. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Rick Moeller made the motion that the Board come out of Executive Session. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.



A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, April 13, 2004.