East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Special Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
23 February 2004
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operator Frank Hauke. Bob Farmer (boardmember) was absent (excused). Terry Kenyon (Engineering) was present. Nick Bennett from the public was also present.
Unfinished Business:
Water Storage:
Terry Kenyon had a hand out summarizing the cost of the two best options for placement of the water storage tank. These options were under the power lines between lots 61 and 62 off Panorama Drive, which would include the loop from Panorama to Spring Dr., and Lot #4, which is the pumphouse lot. Mike had digital photos of the different options, which he garnered while walking this area of the district. The two options were discussed in detail. The difference in cost between the two options was $106,000. This cost difference did not include easement considerations for the two options. The cost of the loop if done later would be on the order of $40,000. This would still leave an additional cost to the district of $66,000. The costs of easements were calculated to be similar (on the order of $15,000).
With the increased cost in mind for the Lot #61/62 option, it became obvious that the Lot #4 option was the one that the district should pursue, providing that once the storage tank easement was purchased that a building envelope and a leach field could be placed on the lot.
Lot #4 Easement/ownership issues:
Terry Kenyon had the offsets for calculating the building envelope on the lot. This was done using the area calculations for a leach field with a poor perk test. The calculation gave a building envelope of 7200 sq. ft. For most purposes this is easily enough area to build a 5-bedroom house. It was decided that we should hire a septic engineer to do a perk test and write a report, which the district would pay for. We could then provide the report to the parties involved.
Executive Session:
Rick Moeller made the motion that we go into executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402(4)(e) for purposes of discussing the easement for the water storage tank on lot #4. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Rick Moeller made the motion that the Board comes out of Executive Session. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Directors’ Comments and other matters to come before the Board
Mark Johns will schedule with a Septic Engineer to have a perk test done on lot #4 and a report written on the results. Mike will write a letter to Mr. Turner ( Vectra Bank) asking permission to have this test done, if, in fact, Vectra Bank feels this would be a viable step in the sale of the lot. We will also have Terry contract to have a building envelope analysis done on the lot. The water storage tank will be at existing grade, which means that dirt, will either have to be hauled away or moved to other areas of the lot. The district would pay for the removal/relocation. Mike will talk to Dick Lyons (legal) regarding our approach to this negotiation.
A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:13 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, February 24, 2004.