East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
19 January 2004
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:00 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Rick Moeller, Bob Farmer and Bob Champ), Dick Lyons (Legal), Terry Kenyon (Engineering), Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters. Two members of the public were present (Carol Deck and Nick Bennett)
Water Storage: Easement Issues for Water Tank.
Mike excused himself from the board because of a conflict of interest on the easement on his property whereby he might unduly influence board members. The vice president (Rick Moeller) assumed the chair of the meeting. Dick Lyons reviewed the events surrounding the possible purchase of this easement. Terry Kenyon submitted a letter, which summarized actions that could be taken to minimize the visual impact of the storage tank on the property. According to the Decks the larger impact is that the storage tank would deplete the amount of land available for leach field usage (especially if the house were to be enlarged to 5 bedrooms). This impact on the leach field area is greater than anticipated and with this in mind, Mike asked Terry to look into alternate options. Terry reviewed the alternate options. These included purchasing an easement on the pumphouse lot near Spring Dr., an out lot in Benchmark and lots located off Panorama Dr. and Skyway Drive. Terry reviewed how these alternatives might be used and what the cost trade offs would be.
Mike agreed to contact Tim Hughes to see whom to contact in the Benchmark Homeowners Association about the possible use of the out lot. Mike also agreed to talk to Jim Kuehler about the possible use of a lot off Panorama and Skyway. This second alternative could combine the looping of the system (promised to Lafayette) with the storage tank. Mike related that he talked with Doug Short (Lafayette) about delays with respect to the Water Storage Tank due to easement issues and they did not see a problem with a delay.
Terry will keep track of engineering time spent on alternatives and bill accordingly. He will cost out the viable alternatives.
Dick Lyons reviewed the easement on the pumphouse lot. It was noted that the original developer of the lot put in the tanks for the pumphouse and the PPMWA. This would allow us to have this easement by estoppel and therefore there should be no problems maintaining this easement. Dick will issue an opinion verifying this.
Dick Lyons also noted that the easement offer for the Deck property acquisition has been waived pending further action by this board.
Dick Lyons discussed the upcoming election for three board members (Mark Johns- 2 year term; Bob Champ- 4 year term; Bob Farmer- 4 year term).
Rick Moeller accepted the role as the designated election official. Available forms and schedules for the upcoming election on 4 May 2004 are on a disc from the Div. Of Local Governments which Mike Deck has and will give to Rick. The first publication (Daily Camera) will be a call for election published between 4 Feb. and 19 Feb. 2004.
Mike Deck made the motion that we pass Resolution 2004-1 designating Rick Moeller as the Designated Election Official and authorizing him to cancel the election, if necessary. Bob Farmer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Rick will give out self-nomination forms to anyone interested in a board position. Mike will also post on the web site.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the 15 December 2004 minutes were discussed. Mike Deck made the motion that we approve the minutes of the December 15, 2004 meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Finance Report
The balance sheet, profit and loss by fund, profit and loss ytd comparison and P&L budget vs. actual (Operating) were discussed. Bob Farmer noted that we paid Rocky Mtn. Cummins the remainder owed on the Gen Set (10% retainage equaling $2298).
New Business
Designation of Place of Posting Notice/Agenda:
Mark Johns made the motion that we continue posting notices and agendas at the same posting places (Pumphouse, Rick Moeller’s mailbox and Mike Deck’s mailbox). Mike Deck seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Frank e-mailed the following report to the board and presented it at the meeting.
It was decided that we should continue to look at frozen pipe issues and the district would pay the cost of the investigation. If the damage is on the customer side of the meter, they would pay for repairs.
Mike will look at the throw away items to assure there is nothing important in that pile.
Director’s Comments:
Mike noted we should reserve the St. Ambrose Church meeting room for the upcoming year. Bob Champ will make sure this is done.
A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Mike Deck and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 20, 2004.