East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

12 July 2004

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Dick Winters and Frank Hauke. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was present and Terry Kenyon came later in the meeting to discuss engineering issues. No members of the public were present.


Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the 14 June 2004 minutes were discussed. Nick will e-mail Mike the rules and regulation language on landscaping issues so that it can be included in the rules and regulations. Rick Moeller made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 14 June 2004 meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Finance Report

Tax Revenue will most probably be fully received in July. Tax revenue received in June was $11,900.

The church has been paid $800 for the meeting room.

The billing format has been changed via a new program. The cost of importing existing data to the new program was $20. The bill format was discussed in some detail. Water usage levels will be elucidated on a trial billing for board members next month.

Water bills not paid should be given to Mike in case the property is sold. Interest is charged on delinquent bills.



Frank e-mailed his report to the board. It is summarized below.





Lead and Copper testing has been completed and all samples passed. Testing will be done again next May.

Frank and Dick will note meters with cracked lids, etc. and also those that are difficult to read because of landscaping issues. Those meter lids, etc., that are functionally inadequate should be fixed. Frank should also contact Mike’s backhoe to raise the meter at 7233 Spring Ct. and also to cap the outlet from Well #3.

A storage shed for the pumphouse was discussed. Frank had literature on various options. Cost is about $1000. Rick Moeller will review the options and report back to the board.

Dick will have to renew his Class D operator’s license and will also take a refresher course. The district will pay for the cost of the course. A backup Class D operator would be advantageous to the district and we will explore possibilities to have a Class D operator back up.

A water usage table was also handed out to the board. Water usage for June was 1.37 million gallons.

Unfinished Business:

Banking Resolution (Heritage Bank):

Investing in CDs at Heritage Bank was discussed. After discussing interest rates for different amounts and times, it was thought that laddering a couple of CDs would be a judicious choice. This would still leave monies in Colotrust for paying for the storage tank. Interest rates at Heritage Bank on CDs are 2.68% for one year. Colotrust is currently paying 1.04%.

Rick Moeller made the motion that we invest $50,000 in a 6 month CD at Heritage Bank and $50,000 in a one year CD at Heritage Bank. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mary Wagner and Mark Johns will see what is necessary to do to make the investment.

Water Storage:

Terry had some preliminary designs for the 100,000-gallon water storage tank. The design will be submitted to the County and to Lafayette. It is still necessary to complete the easement on Lot #3. Mike will try to get the easement finalized with the Arguellos. Terry will contact the county regarding the time scale for obtaining a building permit.

Terry showed the drawings and went through what the existing work would entail. His biggest concern was the number of pipes that would be located in the easement. He stated that it would be advantageous if we could remove a 17000-gallon existing tank (one of the two) so that there would be more room for the necessary piping. This was discussed in detail and different options were discussed. It was decided that we should remove one of the tanks and hold the other tank in the loop so that we could activate it for cleaning and/or working on the 100,000-gallon tank. This would necessitate cleaning and flushing the 17,000-gallon tank prior to use. This alternative will keep the system on line while the 100,000-gallon tank is down.

Terry will make the necessary changes in the drawings showing the removal of one of the tanks. This will make the installation of the piping to the 100,000-gallon tank easier.

New Business:

Brush/Trees in front of pump station;

There is a copse of Siberian Elm Trees east of the pumpstation, which are unsightly and will ultimately have to be removed. These trees are located on Lot #4 so Mike will contact the owners to make sure that we can remove the trees. Nick Bennett will contact a tree removal company to obtain an estimate.

Mark Johns made the motion that we approve $700 for removal of the trees located on lot #4 east of the pumpstation contingent on the owner’s approval. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Director’s Comments:

Mike had an invoice from Jason Emery for the topographical survey of lot #4 for the easement issues and for the storage facility. The total invoice was $2147.50 and about $400 of this involved the easement. Vectra Bank should reimburse half of this amount. Mike will talk to them about this reimbursement.


A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at about 6:40 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, July 13, 2004.