East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
8 November 2004
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:07 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Dick Winters and Frank Hauke. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present. Rick Moeller was absent (excused). No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the 11 October 2004 meeting were discussed. Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 11 October 2004 meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Finance Report
Mary Wagner e-mailed the Profit and Loss YTD Comparison, Profit and Loss by Fund, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual and the checking transaction report to the board. Mary also had e-mailed the water usage comparisons for 2003 and ytd 2004. Revenues are running at 60% of budget and expenses are running at 44% of budget.
Frank e-mailed his report to the board. It is summarized below.
Unfinished Business:
Legal (Lot 4 Land Use Issues):
Water Tank Land Issues—
Mike noted that the Location and Extent Review was successful and that we now have to have the Outlot and Exemption Plat approved. This should be accomplished with the County Commissioners on 11/30/04. Mike had drawings of the outlots with the legal descriptions of the easements, which were discussed. After approval we will quit claim the previous lot and obtain easements on the new outlots. After this, a building lot determination letter should be given to the owners of lot #4.
To expedite the construction of the water storage tank we should review the construction documents prior to putting the job out for bids. It is estimated that it could take 30 to 45 days to obtain bids. We will contact Terry to try and expedite this process, which may require a special meeting to approve the construction documents. Terry should get the documents to Mark so that he can review them prior to any special meeting.
New Business:
Budget 2005:
Nick Bennett made the motion that we open the 2005 Budget Hearing. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. It was noted that the notice was published in the Daily Camera on 10/19/2004 and the meeting notice was posted in the district. Also, it was noted that the budget was put on our website. The budget was then discussed in detail and some minor adjustments were made to the long-range plan and to several of the line items. Mark reviewed the construction costs on our long-range capital improvements and adjustments were made on the construction costs. Nick Bennett made the motion that we close the Budget Hearing. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike handed out copies of the budget, budget messages and resolutions. Mike went through the resolutions and elucidated the various aspects of the resolutions.
Nick Bennett made the motion that we adopt the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for 2005. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Nick Bennett made the motion to pass the resolution to appropriate sums of money for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for the year 2005. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Nick Bennett made the motion to approve the resolution to certify the mill levy at 23.5 mills for the year 2005. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Mark Johns made the motion that we adopt the budget message for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for 2005. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The President and Secretary signed the resolutions and they will be sent to the Division of Local Governments and the County Assessor.
A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, November 9, 2004.