East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
10 January 2005
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:06 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operator Frank Hauke. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) and Terry Kenyon (Engineer) were also present. No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the 13 December 2004 meeting were discussed. Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 13 December 2004 meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Annual Organizational Issues
Every year it is necessary to appoint the officers of the district. Nick Bennett made the motion that we retain the current officers on the Board of Directors for 2005. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The meeting time and place and the agenda has to be posted. Currently the posting place is the pumpstation and the Mike Deck and Rick Moeller mailboxes. Alternate places were discussed but it was decided to maintain the current posting places. Nick Bennett made the motion that we retain the current posting sites for 2005. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The meeting time and place must also be arrived at for the year 2005. This issue was discussed and it was decided that we not change the meeting time and place. Mark Johns made the motion that the meeting time and place (Second Monday of the month at 4 PM at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church) remain the same for 2005. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mike will send the appropriate documents to government agencies.
Unfinished Business:
Water Tank and Land issues:
Terry Kenyon reviewed the status of the bid documents. Dick Lyons (legal) has reviewed the documents and okayed them. The document will be sent to Boulder County and Lafayette for review. It is important to get verification from Lafayette that they okay the document.
Terry plans to open bids the Thursday before our February meeting. Mike noted that our temporary easement expires on June 1. Also discussed was the equipment staging area. The contractor should discuss the possibility of using the lot for this with the lot owners and proceed accordingly. Landscaping issues were also discussed and it was noted we have an escrowed amount for landscaping purposes. The contractor will be responsible for the grading of the area and we will handle the landscaping. The construction time will be about 4 months.
One of the existing water tanks will be removed by the contractor and Frank will note other items to be removed and get the list to Terry. Frank noted that the level behind the pumphouse could be adjusted, as it is steep there. It was also noted that the existing meter on the property would have to be relocated.
It was noted that a plastic drainpipe is located from the pumphouse to the ditch. Terry will contact the Davidson Ditch Co. to explain our intentions for the construction of the water tank.
A pre-bid construction conference was discussed and it was decided that this would be a good idea. It was decided not to make it mandatory, but to increase our scrutiny for those who do not do it.
Terry will also obtain a soils test on the site for $1200 and add the report as an addendum to the document.
The final documents will be ready next week and will be forwarded to Mark and Mike.
Finance Report
Mary Wagner e-mailed the Profit and Loss YTD Comparison, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual and the checking transaction report to the board. Mary also had e-mailed the water usage comparisons for 2003 and ytd 2004.
The financials were discussed and it was noted that income for 2004 was $11,373.37. It was also noted that $1250 was still due for the tap on lot #51. The owner will be contacted by Mike regarding payment. A tap was sold for Lot#51 (#119 in the district).
Mary noted that she is beginning to collect items to get to the auditor.
Frank e-mailed his report to the board and summarized the report.
Dick is attending school to obtain a new operator’s license on Jan. 10-14 2005. Mike’s Backhoe will be contacted for obtaining an estimate for fixing the vent on the Master Meter Vault. Frank had obtained an estimate for replacing the roof on the pumphouse. Worst case cost should be about $2081. Rick Moeller made the motion that we contract with Stahl, Inc. to re roof the pumphouse. The motion was seconded by Nick Bennett and passed unanimously.
Frank also had an updated price list for the lead and copper testing.
New Business:
Lot #3 land use issues:
Mike is still working on finalizing the land use issues on this lot. This must be completed prior to tank construction.
Directors’ Comments:
Mark has a post office box key obtained from Bob Farmer. A blank check will also be given to Mark so that he has the means for writing a check in Mary’s absence.
Frank and Mike will meet with the State Water Quality person tomorrow.
Mary will pay the SDA dues for this year.
Dick Lyons gave out a memo on records retention. We should locate those records that must be retained. Mike and Bob will get together in the near future to make sure we have retained the necessary records.
Frank was going to look into our operating procedures to see if confined space issues were addressed.
Rick brought up the pipeline extension from Paragon to S. Boulder Road and how residences not in the district along this planned extension might obtain water. Mike addressed how this could be accomplished.
A motion was made to adjourn by Rick Moeller, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 11, 2005.