East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church

13 June 2005

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:05 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present. Rick Moeller was absent (excused). Dan Schommer (auditor) was present to give the auditor’s report. No members of the public were present.


Secretary’s Report

The minutes of the 9 May 2005 meeting were discussed. Mark Johns made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 9 May 2005 meeting. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Auditor’s Report for 2004

Dan Schommer passed out the copies of the auditor’s report to the board. This format was the first year for the new reporting model required by GASB 34. Dan summarized the report page by page. A couple of errors were noted on page 8, dealing with the proposed capital expenditures in 2005 and 2013. Dan will correct the numbers. Nick Bennett made the motion that we accept the auditor’s report, as amended. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Dan had an engagement letter for next year’s audit. The fee to go to the GASB 34 model has been dropped out, but the basic fee has increased by $100.00. Mark Johns made the motion that we engage Watkins & Schommer, Inc. as our auditors for 2005. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mike appropriately signed the engagement letter.


Finance Report

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparison, P&L budget vs. actual, transaction report). Also e-mailed were usage comparisons, the storage tank project expenses vs. budget, the storage tank expenditures and a cash flow worksheet. Mary noted that a revised packet was e-mailed late today (not included in these minutes).

The report was discussed. A Boulder Land Consultants Bill, dated May 2,2005, may be Bassett’s responsibility. This will be clarified before paying. Also discussed was the payment to McLauglin, which is still pending. A memo will be issued to Terry, by Mark, noting that this is an outstanding issue.

A check has been written to Bassett for about $81000. It was noted that we should separate out the maintenance hours associated with the storage tank. Of the 52 hours of maintenance last month, 48.5 were associated with the tank. Frank will also break out the hours for next month.






Frank will talk to Mike regarding the cost of replacing the meter pit cover at 7815 Spring Drive.

The old tank was discussed in some detail. It was decided to keep the tank for emergency maintenance as previously thought. Frank and Dick should look into running the system from Lafayette input to the pumps.

Also discussed was the low-level warning for the Storage Tank. Frank and Dick will look into a light at the pumphouse, which will pulse if a low-level condition exists.

Unfinished Business:

Water Tank Construction status and issues:

Mark reviewed the status of the construction project. The system went online on 9 June. Grading is now taking place and the next step will be to have an inspection and develop a punch list. A walk through with Terry will occur on this Wednesday for the inspection and the punch list. The payment schedule was discussed. Total cost after change orders (to our benefit) came to $238,183.

It was also discussed that we should have plans as built for the system (including electrical). Mark will ask Terry about getting these during the walk through on Wednesday. Frank also noted that Terry was going to provide prints with all the valves in the system.

Mark will look into revegetating the lot. He will contact the county to obtain requirements and then obtain estimates for Hydroseeding. Also noted was that a portion of lot #3 should also be revegetated.

Service to 275 Paragon Drive:

Terry issued a letter summarizing the cost to extend the low-pressure line from the master meter vault to the property. The cost for extending the line is $89,000. This will be communicated to Rick Moeller.


New Business:

Nick reported on confined spaces (possibly the master meter vault and the lower level of the pumphouse). He will contact our insurance agent about the matter. Lafayette may also be contacted as they share responsibility for the master meter. Also, the fire department may be contacted to acquire information about whether these are confined spaces.

Director’s Comments:

The standby fee was stipulated as to when the meter is connected to the water main. When the house is connected to the meter the minimum charge is incurred ($48.35).

Mike also would like a list of lots with taps that do not have residences on them.

The water bills were discussed with respect to estimating one month and then reading the next month. We typically try to give the user the best deal.

The Customer Confidence Report must be available to the district by 1 July 2005. Because we have fewer than 500 customers the report will be obtained from Lafayette and be available from the secretary.

Mary will find out about storage space for files as they continue to proliferate.


A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 6:12 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, June 14, 2005.