East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
14 March 2005
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:06 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters. Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present. No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the 14 February 2005 meeting were discussed. It was noted that a ¾ inch tap would cost $2500 dollars more to the user than a 5/8 inch tap. Mike has posted the cost structure on the web site. Rick Moeller made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 14 February 2005 meeting. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Inclusion Hearing – 275 Paragon Drive
Nick Bennett made the motion that we open the inclusion hearing. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. It was noted no members of the public were present and that the notice was published in the Daily Camera on 3 March 2005.
It was noted that this decision should be based on the best interest of the district and our ability to serve the location. Because this would be a line extension the reimbursement agreement was discussed in some detail. We have already used reimbursement agreements so this methodology and the agreement exist. The logistics of extending the low-pressure line or the high-pressure line was discussed. The homeowner would pay the cost of extending the line to the site and would be reimbursed according to the agreement, when and if the line is extended for further sites or the Lafayette loop to South Boulder Road. It was noted that the District is not motivated to put in the loop to South Boulder Road and when last discussed with Lafayette, they were not actively pursuing this at this time. It was decided to review this loop on a year to year basis and to let Lafayette initiate the project.
Nick Bennett made the motion that we accept the inclusion of 275 Paragon Drive into the East Boulder County Water District. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously (Rick Moeller abstained). Mike assembled the paperwork to go to Dick Lyons (legal), which will ultimately go to the District Court for approval and then to the Assessor’s Office.
Mark Johns made the motion that we close the Inclusion Hearing. Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Finance Report
Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial documents to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparison, P&L budget vs. actual, transaction report). Mary also had e-mailed the water usage comparisons for 2004 and ytd 2005 and also a 2005 Cash Flow Worksheet along with a breakout of expenses for the Storage Tank Project.
Mike noted that we should pay the church for the use of the meeting room. Mary will do this.
Mark noted that the bills for Engineering Work did not have the actual work accomplished well described. He will contact Terry Kenyon and obtain more detail. It was noted that engineering expense had overrun the budgeted amount.
Mark also had the money from the first CD ($50K + int.) which was given to Mary for Deposit into our account.
The addendum to the contract for the storage tank was handed out by Mike, as were the executed contract forms. The costs of the storage tank were discussed in some detail. The expected cost of the tank was to be added as a column to the Storage Tank Project Spreadsheet. Cost is now around $300K.
Frank e-mailed his report to the board and summarized the report.
An outlet will be installed outside the pumphouse for the contractors use and he has offered to pay the electric cost during his time on the project.
The contractor would like to have the gas line to the generator capped during the construction period. This would render the back up generator inoperative. This was discussed in some detail and it was noted that we have operated in the past without the generator.
Rick Moeller made the motion that we cap the gas line during the construction period. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Unfinished Business
:Water Tank Land issues:
The land issues are close to being finalized. The replat has been recorded and the building lot determination letter is in hand. The official recording of the easement is pending.
Water Tank Construction status and issues:
Mark reviewed the status of the construction project. Mike had a Gant Chart describing work to be done and critical paths. The project is on schedule and should be completed by Memorial Day.
Mark is overseeing the project and it was noted that there are weekly meetings on Thursday at 3 PM. Mark has been given the authority to approve change orders.
Backflow Prevention:
Mike had a handout consisting of letters that would be mailed to those users in the district that have wells and are connected and using the EBCWD system. Also, an agreement to not cross connect or interconnect the well water with the district’s water will be mailed to those users who have recently purchased property having private wells (only 2 or 3 at most). These letters inform private well owners that Lafayette is implementing a program for inspecting to make sure no crossconnection exists.
New Business:
No new business was discussed.
Directors’ Comments:
No comments were noted.
A motion was made to adjourn by Rick Moeller, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, March 15, 2005.