East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
November 14, 2005
The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:04 PM. Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Rick Moeller, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators (Frank Hauke and Dick Winters). Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present. No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the 10 October 2005 meeting were discussed. It was also noted that the Operator’s pay raise included a $.25 increase per meter read. Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 10 October 2005 meeting. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
Finance Report:
Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report). Also e-mailed were the usage comparisons and the storage tank project expenses vs. budget. Mary noted that the bond payment ($115,400) is due in December. Mark noted that he has still not submitted payment for engineering on the storage tank. Mark will talk to Terry regarding this and will also tell him that Frank has a marked up print of district. The lot #4 owners would also like a CD (print) of the lot improvements.
Frank e-mailed the following report to the board and presented it at the meeting.
Unfinished Business
Long term capital plan; re-evaluation and re-costing
Mark Johns had a Letter from Terry Kenyon estimating the capital improvements in the current plan. These include the Paragon to S. Boulder Rd. Loop, the Empire to Spring Ct. Loop, the Panorama Dr. to Spring Dr. Loop and the Benchmark Main Replacement. Mike has talked to Doug Short (Lafayette) regarding the usefulness of the Paragon-S. Boulder Rd Loop. Doug is going to talk to Terry Kenyon and their water engineer regarding the necessity of this loop. It is thought that this project offers little advantage for the money and may not be necessary. Therefore, we feel it is reasonable to omit this project from the plan. Terry also estimated that the high capacity pump would cost on the order of $25000 to $30000.
Because the other two loops require easement purchase Mike estimated the cost of these easements. They are both on the order of $50,000 ($4/sq.ft easement cost).
Because Benchmark has not been very problematic it might be feasible to set aside monies for maintenance in lieu of complete replacement.
When incorporating these estimates into the long-range plan it becomes obvious that we must generate more revenue to finance the improvements. The primary means for doing this is via water rates.
Discussion of Petition for Inclusion: 16 Ponderosa Drive
We have received a petition for inclusion from Mr. Wagner on 16 Ponderosa Drive. The owner is financially responsible for the cost of extending this line (about $118000) and a reimbursement agreement would have to be written for this extension and he would be responsible for reimbursing those who have extended the line to its present position. A discussion of this extension by the board came up with no viable reasons why we should not have an inclusion hearing on this property.
Nick Bennett made the motion that we should schedule an inclusion hearing for 16 Ponderosa Drive at our December meeting. Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Dick Lyons will publish the notice and do the legal work required.
Discussion of rate structures for 2006
Nick Bennett had prepared an in-depth analysis of the water consumption and some different rate algorithms. He also separated the base rate into its various components. These rate structures took into account both a base rate increase cost and also usage cost increases at various levels. Ultimately, a rate structure will be adopted that will give us the necessary revenue stipulated in the budget ($108500). Nick will run a couple of other rate structures that will accomplish this.
2006 Budget Hearing
Nick Bennett made the motion that we open the Budget Hearing. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Budget Hearing was noticed in the Daily Camera on 21 October 2005 and the meeting notice was posted in the district.
The budget had been e-mailed to the board by Mary Wagner. Water revenue and transfer to capital reserves were adjusted and this finalized the budget.
Mark Johns made the motion that we adopt the budget for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for 2006. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Mark Johns made the motion that we pass the resolution to appropriate sums of money for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for the year 2006. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Mark Johns made the motion to approve the resolution to certify the mil levy at 23.95 mils for the year 2006. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Mark Johns made the motion that we adopt the budget message for the Water Enterprise Fund and the Debt Service Fund for 2006. Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
The President and Secretary signed the resolutions and they will be sent to the Division of Local Governments and the County Assessor.
Nick Bennett made the motion that we close the Budget Hearing. Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Mark Johns and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, November 15, 2005.