East Boulder County Water District
Board of Directors Meeting
St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
12 September 2005
The meeting was called to order by Rick Moeller at 4:07 PM. The others in attendance were board members (Bob Champ, Mark Johns, and Nick Bennett), Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper), and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters. Mike Deck (President) was absent (excused). No members of the public were present.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes of the 15 August 2005 meeting were discussed. No approval of the minutes was done. The minutes of 15 August will be readdressed in the October meeting.
Finance Report
Mary stated "no major issues" with finance. Mark Johns will attempt to get some funds out of escrow for grass around the pump house. The sprinkler and roof costs were discussed without issue. Mark will pull the funds from the CD at Heritage Bank in order to place it in Colo Trust for the Bond payment.
Nick requested Frank’s data for the November meeting in order to address the rate structure. Frank will "CC:" the information to all directors of EBCWD.
• We put in 12.5 hrs monitoring and 25.5 hrs maintaining the system from August 7, 2005 thru September 5, 2005. Of this, 9 hrs monitoring and 20.5 hrs work were used on the sprinkler system.
• Took water sample for E-Coli lab test at fire hydrant at 866 Paragon Drive. Flushed hydrant per procedure. Chlorine measured 1.07 mg/l. Sample passed.
• Read water meters on 8-31-2005.
• We flushed an outline fire hydrant at 7520 Spring Court.
• Replaced meter pit lit at 7815 Spring Drive with a stronger one.
• Set up a sprinkler system for the area to be hydro mulched.
• We spent about $300 for the sprinkler equipment.
• We put two grills in the ceiling at pump house for ventilation.
• Terry Kenyon brought prints for our comments before finalizing them.
• I think we ought to up date the system drawings (who has a program to do this?).
• Dick & I will be taking a vacation this month at different times. I probably will not be back on the 30th to read meters.
Dick and his son will read the meters at the end of September … approved.
New Business
"As Built" drawings. The directors asked as a body to make a motion to ask Terry to combine drawings (i.e. pump house tank, etc.). Rick made the motion that Mark work on this with Terry. Nick seconded this and it passed unanimously.
Directors’ Comments
Discussed "greening" of the pump station.
A motion was made to adjourn by Mark Johns … seconded by Nick Bennett. The unanimous approval for adjournment took place at 5 PM.
The above is submitted by Rick Moeller (acting for Secretary Bob Champ, October 3, 2005.