East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


January 9, 2005

The meeting was called to order by Mike Deck at 4:10 PM.  Those in attendance were board members (Mark Johns, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators (Frank Hauke and Dick Winters).  Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present.  Rick Moeller (board member) was absent (excused).  No members of the public were present.  Terry Kenyon (Engineering) was present during the discussion on the Ponderosa Line Extension.

 Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 12 December 2005 meeting were discussed.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 12 December 2005 meeting.  Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparison, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed were the usage comparisons and the storage tank project expenses vs. budget.  Mary noted that the tap fee for 16 Ponderosa Drive had been paid.  A few items are still outstanding before the final entries are made for 2005.  The payment to Saint Ambrose Church for the meeting space ($800) will be mailed this month.  Mary will also re-mail a bill to a customer which was lost during the Christmas mailing.  Also, because of the new tiers involved in the new water rate structure the program had to be modified at a cost of $300.  This has been accomplished. 

The re-vegetation escrow has not yet been cleared by the county.  Mark Johns will contact them as to the status.

Mary also noted that a copy of the 2005 minutes will be needed for the auditor.


Frank e-mailed the following report to the board and presented it at the meeting.





  • We put in 1 hrs monitoring and 2 hrs maintaining the system from December 7, 2005 thru January 2, 2006.
  • Read water meters on 12-31-2005.
  • Flushed an outline fire hydrant at Bench Mark.
  • Traced down and repaired a leaking valve in pump house.
  • Checked into a customer complaint of pressure being too high at 5 Bench Mark. We talked with homeowner and checked the pressure in the house, it was within tolerance.


Frank had an update to page 5 of the Operations and Maintenance Procedures.


Frank also noted that one customer’s usage was high and they checked the meter, which was not running, so they assumed that there was not a leak at that time.


The pump house door needs repair and Frank, Dick and Mark will look into replacing it.


Unfinished Business

Paragon Loop

Mike talked to Doug Short (Lafayette) and noted that they were receptive to amending the IGA, effectively pushing out the date for reviewing whether or not to do the loop.

New Business

Records Storage Facility

Bob Champ will investigate places which would be amenable for storing old records.

16 Ponderosa Line Extension

Terry Kenyon discussed the protocol for this extension.  It was noted that the property has included and purchased a tap.  Mr. Wagner is now negotiating an easement to minimize the length of the extension.  Surveying should be done in the near future which will locate the placement of the meter.  It was again noted that the owner was advised that because this is a dead end there is a possibility of stale water in the pipeline.  Terry noted that if there was ever a desire to loop this line back to Paragon the district would lose the extended length of the pipeline.  It was thought that this loop would not ever be planned as Lafayette services those properties off S. Boulder Rd. 

Terry noted the plan for completing the work.  Approval from Lafayette and Boulder County would be necessary.  Additional mapping will be involved as will plans and specifications.  Terry thought the engineering bill would be on the order of $3500.  Terry will handle the bidding process because the total is on the order of $50K with contingencies.  Terry thought that the amount of paving necessary would be the greatest exposure to the cost.

Mark Johns made the motion that we retain McLaughlin Rincon for the Engineering work for the 16 Ponderosa Drive Line Extension and authorize Mike Deck to sign the contract for an amount not exceeding $3500.  Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mike noted that he needed a new district map for submittal to the appropriate Government Agencies.  Terry will get this map to Mike.  Also, Frank and Dick will get Terry a marked up drawing which he will use in constructing new district prints.

Director’s Comments and other matters to come before the Board

It was noted that the insurance premium had increased $20 to $1984.  Mark noted that he had gotten the necessary information on the gen set for insurance purposes.

Mike noted that we may be responsible for measuring by products of chlorine in the system.  This may be only Lafayette’s responsibility.  Also, we will be responsible for another lead and copper test in August.

The meeting time and place and the agenda posting sites have to be determined.  Currently, the posting places are the pump house and Mike Deck’s and Rick Moeller’s mailboxes.  The agenda is posted at the pump house.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we retain the current posting sites for 2006.  Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  The meeting time and place will remain the same.

Four board positions are up for election this year.  Bob Champ is not up for election.  Nick Bennett made the motion that Bob Champ be the designated election official as stipulated in resolution 2006-1.  Mark Johns seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 

We received from the county that our mill levy certification had been received.

Mike noted that the SDA may be offering a rebate on dues this year.  He will find out about this.



A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Mark Johns and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 10, 2006.