East Boulder County Water District

7526 Spring Dr. Boulder, CO 80303

PWSID #CO107236


303.494.3026 fax           president@eastboulderwater.com          www.eastboulderwater.com



June 29, 2007


Dear District Resident:

We are required by law to provide you with a Consumer Confidence Report that informs you about your drinking water. To save on the expense of printing and mailing this report, we are making the report available on the web and by request. You are welcome to view the report online at




You may also request a copy from us by contacting

Bob Champ, Secretary

East Boulder County Water District

7557 Empire Dr.,

Boulder CO 80303




Our official report is minimal since we simply pass on water purchased from the City of Lafayette. To obtain a copy of the City’s water quality report, go online at


or call Lafayette Public Works at 303-665-5588 ext. 3328,


If you have received this report but are not the primary water user for this property (for example, you own the property but do not live there) please forward this report to the water user or ask them to contact us so that we can send them this report.



Richard Moeller

Vice President



Mark Johns                    Richard Moeller                       Robert Champ                         Nick Bennett

President/Treasurer                Vice-President                                Secretary                                 Director