East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


February 12, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:03 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Nick Bennett, Mike Deck, Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.  Mary Wagner (Bookkeeper) was also present.  No members of the public were present. 


Secretary’s Report:


The minutes of the 8 January 2007 meeting were discussed.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 8 January 2007 meeting.  Mike Deck seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual).  Also e-mailed was the end of 2006 financial packet (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report) and the usage comparisons.  Nothing out of the ordinary was noted.  Mary did note that the Division of Local Governments had not yet received the budget.  Mark will make sure they get a copy.  Mary also collected the 2006 minutes and a copy of the resolution to set mill levy for 2007 to give to the auditor. 


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.













Mike Deck noted that Frank and Dick should adhere to safety guidelines (wearing ear plugs, etc.) when working. 


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

Mark noted that to supply sufficient power to the pump Xcel would have to change the transformer from 75KVa to 100 KVa.  This would cost about $3000.  Mark will give Terry the okay to proceed on the project.   

Pump house Repairs

The door has been installed and Nick Bennett will assess obtaining enclosures for posting notices on the pumphouse as well as the other posting sites.

District Website

Mike is continuing to look into a server for our website.  He will update the site with the minutes to date.  It is believed by the board that the website plays an important role for people to obtain information regarding the district. 

New Business

District ID tags

It was thought that fire hydrants and meters should have a tag noting that any servicing affecting the property should be authorized and monitored by District personnel.  During this discussion it was also noted that it would be advantageous to have a District phone number listed in the white pages whereby messages could be obtained.  Nick Bennett will look into the possibilities for doing this.

Director’s Comments and other matters to come before the board 

Drinking Water Monitoring Schedule

Lead and copper testing will not have to be done until 2009.  Mike will change the address of the district to the post office box with the forms supplied by Frank.

Estimated Water Bills

Because of the snow cover the water bills have been estimated for the past three months.  After the meters are read we will equitably adjust customer’s water bills.

Mark also noted that we now have terrorist insurance for an additional $18 per month. 


A motion was made to adjourn by Rick Moeller, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:06 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, February 13, 2007.