East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


April 9, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:03 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Nick Bennett, Mike Deck and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.  Rick Moeller (board member) was absent (excused).  No members of the public were present. 


Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 12 March 2007 meeting were discussed.  The pumphouse address was verified as 7493 Spring Drive.  Frank and Dick will obtain numbers to put on the pumphouse.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 12 March 2007 meeting.  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons and P&L budget vs. actual).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  The meter reading charge for January was still omitted.  We will check with Mary at the next meeting to elucidate this.  Mark had received papers from Mary to set up signatures for wire transfers.  Mark and Rick will be the officers set up to do this, if necessary.  We now have in excess of $60K in checking and it was decided to reduce this to about $10K and transfer the remainder to Colotrust. 


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.



·         We put in 5 hrs monitoring and 5.5 hrs maintaining the system from March 6, 2007 thru April 2, 2007.


·         Read water meters on 3/31/07.


·         Did two E-Coli samples at fire hydrants this period. One at 1 Bench Mark, the other at 7435 Spring Drive. In both cases Cl. measured 1.12 mg/l. and the samples passed.


·         Exercised an outline fire hydrant at 6 Bench Mark. Cl was 0.86 mg/l.


·         Repaired the water level sensing cables at new tank. The settling earth around tank pulled the junction box down from the wall.


·         Marked water lines at 7310 and 7514 Panorama Drive.


·         A telephone line has been laid out, unburied, to the pump house. They placed the junction box at an inconvenient spot on the East wall. We took it down and propped it up at a spot of our choice on the West wall. The line has not been buried yet.


·         Replaced broken meter pit cover at 7815 Spring Drive. We painted it yellow hoping that color will give it a longer life.


·         The water meter cable at 7529 Skyway Court has been damaged. We will repair it when the weather is better.

Because we had estimated the meter readings for 4 months because of snow cover Frank tabulated the differences (gallons) noted from the estimates for our customers.  Mike Deck made the motion that if our total estimate is off by more than 25K gallons we would distribute the calculation for the usage cost over the five months.  Nick Bennett seconded the motion.  During discussion of the motion it was noted that the cost would be calculated for the tier difference and is really a minimal cost to those customers who used (3) and did not use (1) more than 25K gallons.  In addition, the likelihood of having to estimate so many consecutive months was felt to be minimal. Based on this, Mike withdrew the motion (Nick concurred).  It was then decided it was not worth the effort to adjust those bills.   


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

We are still waiting for the estimate from Xcel to upgrade the transformer to get the necessary power to the pump.  We will talk to Xcel to try and expedite the estimate noting that this is a matter of public safety.

District Website

Nick had created a handout which outlined the proposed content of the new district web site.  Mike will set up the transfer to the new web site (Intermedia) with Nick.  The board will review the content for posting to the new web site and get changes or corrections to Nick.  A private, password protected area was discussed whereupon we could electronically file the necessary material for the district.  This would be advantageous in consolidating and minimizing hard copy files.

Meeting Announcement Signs

Nick is still working on getting a vendor that will do the announcement signs and the id tags for attaching to district equipment.

District Telephone Line

The line is in to the pumphouse but has to be buried.  The locate will occur on Wednesday—the address numbers have to be on the pumphouse prior to the locate.  Our district phone number is:  303-554-0031. Voice Mail and expansion mailboxes will be ordered following the meeting.

New Business

Meeting with the Dept. of Health/EPA

A meeting will occur with these officials on 19 April at 9 am.  Mark, Frank and Dick will be present at the meeting.  It is just a general information meeting.

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

Mike Deck brought up that Baum and Associates need our financial statements from the auditor in pdf format.  Mike will inform our auditor who will take care of this matter. 

Our water id number is CO0107236. 

Mike also had a brochure from the CO Backflow Prevention Assoc. for Mark.

Mike also informed the board that he will be moving to California in the near future and thereby he will no longer be a member of the board.  We should actively look for someone in the district to take his place on the board. 


A motion was made to adjourn by Mike Deck, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, April 10, 2007.