East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


June 11, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:05 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Nick Bennett, Mike Deck and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.  Rick Moeller (board member) was absent (excused).   Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) was present.  No members of the public were present.


Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 14 May 2007 meeting were discussed.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 14 May 2007 meeting.  Mike Deck seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  Mary will put the telephone bill on an automatic payment plan.  Nick will check with Qwest on the current bill to make sure all is in order.  The line item in the budget for insurance was noted to be at 150% of the budgeted amount.  It was thought that the workmen’s comp was added to this line item thereby causing the discrepancy.  Mary will check into the reason behind this budget override.  It may be necessary to add a workmen’s comp line item.  


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.





  • We put in 1.0 hrs monitoring and 3.0 hrs maintaining the system from May 8, 2007 thru June 4, 2007.


  • Read water meters on 5/31/07.


  • Did E-Coli sample from fire hydrant at 7555 Spring Drive; Cl measured 1.34 mg/l. Sample passed.


  • Exercised an outline fire hydrant at 7214 Spring Court. Cl was 0.86 mg/l.


  • Exercised buried valves numbers 26, 27, 28 & 29.


  • Marked water line at 7579 Panorama Drive.


  • The meter at 7214 Spring Court does not read remotely. Is there a guarantee on these meters?


The above referenced meter will be replaced and Frank will check if it is warranteed.  We will obtain another meter so that we have one in reserve. 


Mark inspected the meter on Spring Drive whose cover is repeatedly being broken.  It was decided to redo this meter so that the constant cover breakage is solved.  Frank will get Mike’s Backhoe to look into the job.


Lot #62 is no longer on standby status and will be billed as a regular user.  Frank will also obtain the final reading for Mike Deck on June 28th.     


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

The design is complete and Terry will have the quality control review in one week.  Terry will also obtain the names of contractors to bid the job.  Mark will check with Terry to make sure that there is adequate space for the pump.  He will also check with Terry to find out the status of the marked up prints of the district. 

District Website

Mike will meet with Nick this week to transfer the remaining know-how as to how to post the minutes and the agenda.

Meeting Announcement Signs

Nick is obtaining the laminated signs for posting.  Because Mike Deck’s residence was one of the posting sites and he is moving out of the district, a new posting site must be chosen.  Mike Deck made the motion that the new posting site will be Bob Champ’s residence at 7557 Empire Drive.  Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

District Telephone Line

The district telephone line is now operative.  Nick reviewed the passwords and it was noted that if an item is handled it should be erased.


Mike has e-mailed Dick Lyons whether our bonds require us to have a full audit each year.  Mike will e-mail the board when he receives a response.

Asset Tags

Nick had a rough draft of the information to be put on our asset tags which can be attached to meters and hydrants.  We will probably order about 250 of the tags.  It was decided that this was an appropriate thing to do to protect our assets.

Consumer Confidence Report 

Rick is handling the CCR this year.  Nick will put the report on the website and Mark will contact Rick to make sure that he satisfies the requirements.  Because we have less than 250 customers we do not have to mail the report to users but can post where they can obtain the report.  Mark will contact Rick to ensure that the requirements have been met.

New Business

No new business was discussed.

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

Mike Deck will be moving to California and will unfortunately not be able to continue as a board member, effective today.  Mike did submit a letter of resignation and assured us that we could contact him for consultation when absolutely necessary.  Mike was instrumental in the formation of the district and the subsequent creation of the infrastructure and the ongoing daily business of the District.  All members of the District and those who ultimately may join the District should be grateful to Mike for his work on behalf of the District.  He will be sorely missed.   


A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Mike Deck and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:11 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, June 12, 2007.