East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


August 13, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:02 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Rick Moeller and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.  Nick Bennett (board member) was absent (excused).   Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) and Terry Kenyon (Engineering) were present.  Scott Lynn of the public was present during the discussion of a possible inclusion of his and other adjacent properties.


Scheduling of Inclusion Hearing:

Mr. Hofgard’s petition for inclusion was discussed.  His residence is at 753 Paragon Drive which resides inside the district boundaries and next to an existing water line.  No objections to the inclusion of this property were voiced.  Rick Moeller made the motion that we schedule an inclusion hearing for the next regular meeting of the board (first Monday in Sept.).  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Mark Johns will contact Dick Lyons (legal) who will publish the notice and begin the necessary paperwork. 


Secretary’s Report:

The minutes of the 9 July 2007 meeting were discussed.  Rick Moeller made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 9 July 2007 meeting.  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  Mary noted that we transferred $75K into Colotrust as we had received the tax payment from the county.  Water Revenue for the month of July was over $24K (Lafayette cost $15.5K). 


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.





  • We put in 4.0 hrs monitoring and 2.0 hrs maintaining the system from July 3, 2007 thru August 6, 2007.


  • Read water meters on 7/31/07.


  • Did E-Coli samples at 7487 Empire Drive. Cl was 1.09 mg/l. Sample passed.


  • Exercised an outline fire hydrant at 370 Paragon Drive. Cl was 0.85 mg/l.


  • Exercised buried valve #30. This valve is near Mark’s House. We don’t know why it is there.


  • Reworked notice board on pump house door. The notices kept falling out.


  • Attached is a spreadsheet on the ‘Average Monthly Usage per Customer’ for your information. Last month we had the highest average usage so far for the district.


  • Last month there were 10 incidences that took 16 hours to meet the demand for water. This compares to one incidence last year.


Frank had strip chart recordings which graphically represented the duty cycles of the two pumps.  There are short times that both pumps run in order to meet the demands of the district but this is not a problem.  Frank and Dick will continue to monitor the situation.


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

Terry Kenyon gave the status of the booster pump.  He has two contractors on board and is working to obtain a third.  He and the contractors will visit the site in the next two weeks so that he will have a final cost for the next board meeting.  The pump will fit in the designated area and Xcel had the necessary transformer in place (unbeknown to them initially).  This pump will be capable of delivering 500 gpm.   

District Website

Nick is still working to update the current website.  There has been some asking about when the website will include the current minutes.  A credit card was not obtained but it was thought we could obtain a debit card from First National Bank.  Mark will handle the application.  In the meantime we will reimburse board members for expenses occurred with their credit cards.

Meeting Announcement Signs

Signs have been prepared and have been posted at the pumphouse and Bob Champ’s mailbox.  Rick will obtain his from Nick. 

District Telephone Line

The phone line messaging was discussed and Frank brought up that the messages are not dated.  Mary and Mark are checking messages. 

Asset Tags

The asset tags are being prepared (250).  They will be weather proof and have a single punch for attaching.  They should be done for Frank and Dick to attach by the next meeting.

 Consumer Confidence Report 

One CCR was requested and mailed to a district member.

New Business

Possible Expansion of District to the east:

We are in the process of receiving up to 4 applications for inclusion into the District.  Two are in hand and one is in the mail and the other should be forthcoming.   This area is east of the conjunction of Spring and Ponderosa and was the reason for Mr. Lynn’s presence at the meeting.  Terry Kenyon gave an overview of how the possible inclusion might take place.  He noted that we would have to obtain concurrence from both Lafayette and the county of our intention to expand our service area.  Terry also had topographical mapping of the area that showed that elevation is the same as that which now exists in the district.  Other possible inclusions to the east were discussed but the magnitude of the effort needed and the cost of extending was thought to be prohibitive.  It was therefore decided to investigate the work needed to include the current petitioners.  Rick Moeller made the motion that we allow Terry Kenyon (Engineering) to generate a spreadsheet with preliminary pricing to service the current petitioners and obtain a preliminary quote from Mikes Backhoe.  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  The cost of the investigation will be about $500 which we will recoup if the inclusion proceeds.    

Mike Deck Recognition

Rick has identified a website which has various award plaques, etc.  Further discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

Replacement of meter pit on Spring Drive

It was decided to have Mike’s Backhoe replace the meter and pit on Spring Drive at the end of Ponderosa.  Mike had an estimate of $1200 to remove, raise, replace and repave the area.  Rick Moeller made the motion that we engage Mike’s Backhoe to do this job.  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Frank will schedule the work with Mikes Backhoe. 

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

It was noted that next year we will do an abbreviated audit.  Dan Schwommer will fill out the necessary forms from the state and do this at a reduced cost. It was thought that we would do a full audit every other year.

We are still looking to replace Mike Deck’s vacancy with a new board member.  Mary will include a statement to this effect in the next billing.


A motion was made to adjourn by Rick Moeller, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, August 14, 2007.