East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


December 10, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:03 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Rick Moeller, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.   Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) was also present.   No members of the public were present.


Secretary’s Report:


The minutes of the 12 November 2007 meeting were discussed.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 12 November 2007 meeting.  Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  The tap fee for the Hofgard property was paid and Lafayette was reimbursed their portion of the payment.  The booster pump pre wiring was also paid.  The bond principal and interest was also paid.  Frank and Dick had a half hour of monitoring so far on the booster pump installation.  The budget is on track for this year with water revenue at 98% of budget through November of this year.


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.




  • We put in 3.0 hrs monitoring and 17.5 hrs maintaining the system from November 6, 2007 thru December 3, 2007.


  • Read water meters on 11/29/07.


  • Did E-Coli samples at 940 Paragon Dr.; Cl was 1.62 mg/l. Sample passed.


  • Exercised outline fire hydrant at 11 Bench Mark. Cl was 0.33 mg/l.


  • Exercised buried valves # 36, 37 & 38.


  • Worked with Barnard Structures on putting in plumbing for new pump.


  • Worked on unplugging the pump house drain.


  • Worked with Mike’s Backhoe on installing a meter pit at 753 Paragon Drive.


  • Repaired the tank water level indicator. It had broken lose and was flooding the pump house.


  • Lot #3, the dog bite house, has landscaped their lot up to the right a way to the pump house.


  • Ralph Goble has installed a third panel containing the electronics for the slow starting new pump.


Frank also had a map of the service plan amendment that Terry Kenyon had given him.  This map was discussed in the District Expansion portion of the meeting.


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

The installation of the pump will occur upon arrival of the pump.  Because the motor on the initial pump order was unavailable a different (better) motor was substituted at no additional cost.  The water to the district will have to be shut down for a short time when the pump is installed (minutes).  This should not pose a problem.


The website is now current.  Nick also had the new logo, which is nearing completion, for the district.  He will e-mail the board the latest versions to determine the final design.

Mike Deck Recognition

Once the proper logo is obtained, Rick will finalize the plaque design and order the plaque.  The final plaque should be ready by February.

District Expansion:  

We have received three petitions for inclusion and will deposit the money as we are incurring expenses (legal and engineering) in addressing the possible expansion of the district.  There have been no objections raised as of yet by Louisville, Lafayette or the county.  Terry has configured a water main loop which goes from Ponderosa and Spring Drive to the east, looping back to Ponderosa at the Wagner Residence.  Mark will address the possibility of this Service Plan Amendment with the County.  We will be calling this expansion the Majestic View Loop and we will keep track of the expenses associated with our investigation.  We are unsure as to how the inclusion process for the additional homes will occur.

Review of Director’s Terms

Mark will inform the necessary parties that two members are up for reelection in 2008 and the remaining three positions are up for reelection in 2010 (one vacancy). 

New Business


Because of the change in the assessed valuation of the District, Mary had to change the mil levy from 21.765 to 21.825.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we change the mil levy from 21.765 to 21.825.  Bob Champ seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  The appropriate paperwork was signed and Mary will forward to the appropriate authorities.

Employee Recognition

Mary, Dick and Frank were each given a Visa gift card for $50 for their excellent service during the past year.  They all have done an excellent job for the district and we are fortunate to have them.     

Water Rates:

The water rates were discussed in some detail because the budget calls for an increase of $4000 in water revenue.  It was decided to keep the base rate the same and then Nick will look at the different tiers to assess how to get the increased revenue, beginning with the highest users and working down the tiers.  Mark Johns made the motion that we allow Nick Bennett to come up with a water rate structure based on the previous stated algorithm to obtain the budgeted revenue.  Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Nick will e-mail the appropriate rate structure to the board for final approval.


 Review of District Bylaws:

Fees discussed in our Rules and Regulations and By-laws are not all posted on the web.  The Board should review these (esp. Sec .9.6.1 to 9.6.13 in the Rules and Regs) for discussion at a future meeting.

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

No comments were noted.


A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Bob Champ and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, December 11, 2007.