East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


January 14, 2008


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:06 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members (Rick Moeller, Nick Bennett and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke (arrived late) and Dick Winters.   Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) was also present.   No members of the public were present.


Secretary’s Report:


The minutes of the 10 December 2007 meeting were discussed.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 10 December 2007 meeting.  Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  This was the final financial packet for the year.  Mary stated that she will find out from Dan Schwommer what he needs in order to file for an audit exemption.  She also noted that the 2008 insurance was prepaid in December.  Mary will also track all expenditures associated with the possible district expansion.  She will talk to Dan regarding how to monitor this in the budget.  Our biggest budget overrun last year was for maintenance (budget- $4000; spent $6720).  Director’s fees ($50/meeting) will be paid at the end of the year.  Overall, our income for the last year was 105% of budget and our expenses were 99% of budget.


Frank had e-mailed the status report to the board prior to the meeting.




  • We put in 3.5 hrs monitoring and 8.0 hrs maintaining the system from December 4, 2007 thru January 8, 2008.


  • Estimated water meter readings on 12/31/07.


  • Did E-Coli samples at 7493 Spring Drive; Cl was 0.93 mg/l. Sample passed.


  • Exercised outline fire hydrant at 7214 Spring Court. Cl was 0.47 mg/l.


  • Checked water meter at 1 Bench Mark and found it not reading. Replaced the meter.


  • Repaired meter from 1 Bench Mark. A piece of sand had jammed the meter.


  • Worked with the new pump crew bringing the new pump on line.


  • I, Frank, asked that a switch be installed near the new pump to turn the pump on/off from down below at the pump as it is with the other pumps. Ralph has installed a switch.


  • The new pump is currently off line because the pressure switch has to be replaced. This could take several weeks.


  • Much water was flushed out of the fire hydrant in front of the pump house in checking out the new pump to the point it started to come in the pump house. 


  • Talked over the problem of grading around pump house and drain outlet at ditch with Mark Johns.


  • I contacted Mike’s Backhoe to do some work at the pump house when the environmental conditions (snow and mud) are better.



The possibility of getting a back up pressure switch was discussed.  Frank and Dick will look into the cost of doing this. 


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

The installation of the pump has been completed.  Once the new pressure switch is installed the system will be operative.  An orientation was given and all aspects of the new system performed as designed.  High usage in the lower part of the district may cause backflow at the top of the mesa.  The possibility of putting relief valves in the main at the top of the mesa was discussed.  This would alleviate backflow when there is high usage in the lower part of the district.  Mark will talk to Terry Kenyon regarding the installation of the valves.


The website is now current.  Nick also had the new logo for the district.  He will e-mail the board the latest versions to determine the final design.  Nick gave a demonstration of his work to date on the possibilities for an updated and current website.  Web pages incorporated the new logo and work accomplished was very impressive.  Nick will continue to work at improving the website and maintaining it so that it will house the pertinent documents for the district.   Nick will give updates at meetings as a committee report.

Appreciation for Mike Deck

Now that the logo is completed, Rick will get together with Nick and finalize the plague design and order it.

District Expansion:  

Mark contacted the County via letter asking whether there were any objections to us amending our service plan.  At this time the county has no objections to our servicing the homes that have applied for inclusion.  Mark will now schedule a pre-application meeting and we will monitor our expenses due to the possible expansion of service. 

New Business

Water Rates

The new water rates were included in the December billing.  Nick showed the tiers that were affected (higher usage tiers only).   

 Review of District Bylaws:

The by-laws were again discussed and it was thought we should see how we can bring them up to date.  As directors we should reread them and note areas for updating, etc.  The same is true for the rules and regulations.



Designation of Posting Notice/ Agenda

Each January we must designate the posting places within the district for the meetings and the agenda.  Nick Bennett made the motion that we continue posting the meeting notices at Rick Moeller’s and Bob Champ’s mailboxes and that we post the agenda at the pump house, 7493 Spring Drive for the year 2008.  Rick Moeller seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  The regular meetings of the Board of Directors of the East Boulder County Water District will be held monthly on the second Monday of each Month at 4:00 PM.  These meetings will be held at St. Ambrose Church, 7520 S. Boulder Road, Boulder, Colorado.  All meetings are open to the public.

Appointment of Election Officer

Bob Champ made the motion that our election officer for the upcoming May election be Rick Moeller.  Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.  Mark gave Rick the necessary materials for dealing with the upcoming election.  Anyone interested in becoming a director should contact Rick for a self nomination form.  In the past we have not had to hold elections because we have had fewer nominees than positions. 

Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

Mark Johns noted that he had been contacted by two residents in the district who have interest in becoming a director.  Mark will follow up on these leads.  Water testing for disinfectants may be required again by the state.  We will devise a plan when the test is mandated.


A motion was made to adjourn by Nick Bennett, seconded by Rick Moeller and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:48 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, January 15, 2008.