East Boulder County Water District

Board of Directors Meeting

St. Ambrose Episcopal Church


June 9, 2008


The meeting was called to order by Mark Johns at 4:06 PM.  Those in attendance were the board members

(Nick Bennett, Lynne Deane and Bob Champ) and Water System Operators Frank Hauke and Dick Winters.  Mary Wagner (bookkeeper) and Kathy Anderson (public) were also present.  Rick Moeller (board member) was absent (excused). 


Secretary’s Report:


The minutes of the 12 May 2008 meeting were discussed.  Mark John’s noted a misspelling of a name which will be corrected in the final version of the minutes.  Lynne Deane made the motion that we approve the minutes of the 12 May 2008 meeting, as amended.  Nick Bennett seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Finance Report:

Mary Wagner had e-mailed the financial packet to the board (Balance Sheet, P&L ytd comparisons, P&L budget vs. actual and the transaction report).  Also e-mailed was the usage comparison spreadsheet.  Mary has added a line item to the budget for Professional Development.  The costs for this were then taken out of maintenance.  Mary noted that the $500 for the inclusion for 1034 Spring Drive was received and the publishing cost for the notice was paid.  She also noted that $3750 had been received from three property owners in the Majestic View expansion area had been received to cover legal and engineering costs associated with the expansion.     





  • We put in 3.5 hrs monitoring and 6.5 hrs maintaining the system from May 5, 2008 thru June 3, 2008.


  • Read water meters on 6/1/08.


  • Did E-Coli tests at Barcelona Dr. hydrant on 6/2/08. Chlorine measured 1.01 mg/l. Sample passed.


  • Worked with Mike’s Backhoe grading around the pump house. What do we do about seeding the area?


  • Worked with Mike’s Backhoe locating, extending and cleaning out the pump house drain.


  • We had to reconnect the event recorder and repair it’s power supply. It is working OK now.


  • Dick and I talked over rerouting the booster pump by-pass as suggested by Terry. I talked with Terry about our concerns and he responded with e-mail. Copy attached.


  • We replaced the meter at customer # 123, (Hoag); it was reading in 100 gallons not 1,000 gallons. We will try to exchange this meter and also would like to buy a second replacement 5/8 meter.


Frank also noted that the phone in the pump house was out of order.  Nick will take care of seeing this is repaired. 

Lynne Deane will contact the owners of Lot#4 (pump house) to talk to them about landscaping around the pump house.

Because Terry’s e-mail stated that the booster pump maximum pressure would only be 142 psi, Frank and Dick both thought that it was unnecessary to put in a pressure relief mechanism.  This was discussed and it was decided not to put in any pressure relief mechanism. 

It was also decided to purchase two water meters of each size (5/8” and ¾”) and assure that the readout was in 1000 gallon increments.  This will assure that we do not end up erroneously installing the wrong meter.




Nick discussed the work that he had completed on the new website.  He is now maintaining two versions of the website, and to lessen the work load it was decided to make the transfer to the new version and edit the various pages as time permits.  For the next meeting the board will be looking at the section on “Doing Business with us”.


Majestic View Expansion:


Mark attended a meeting with 4 people who are in the expansion area. The total area would contain about 25 customers.  Lafayette (Doug Short) was not concerned about the increase in size of the service area.  Mark sent out a mailing discussing the expansion.  The Planning Commission will review it this month and forward to the Commissioners for next month if all is okayed.  Lafayette (Doug Short) noted that it would not be necessary to loop the line, thereby lessening the expense to the new customers.  Doug also mentioned to Mark that Lafayette is still interested in looping S. 68th St. into our system if and when conditions make this plausible. 


Unfinished Business

 Booster Pump

It was decided not to put in the pressure relief mechanism.

Review of District’s By-laws & Regulations:

Researching the Rules and Regulations, it was uncovered that the appendix to Article 7 was never completed and it therefore should be dropped off from the R&R’s. 

New Business

Bank Signature Cards:

Mary signed a signature card for the bank.

Inclusion Hearing for 1034 Spring Drive:

Nick Bennett made the motion that we open the inclusion hearing for the above noted property.  Mark Johns seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.

Mark noted that the paperwork had been completed (petition, warranty deed and survey) and the fee had been submitted.  The notice for the hearing was published in the Daily Camera and there have been no objections to the inclusion noted.  Bob Champ made the motion that we include 1034 Spring Drive into the East Boulder County Water District Service Area.  The motion was seconded by Lynne Deane and unanimously approved.  The paperwork will be forwarded to Dick Lyons (legal) so that it can be formally recorded.

Nick Bennett made the motion that we close the inclusion hearing.  The motion was seconded by Mark Johns and unanimously approved.



Directors Comments and other matters to come before the board

Mary noted that a Bank in Buena Vista needed a copy of our audit (probably due to their owning of bonds).  She will contact Dan about forwarding the paperwork to them.


A motion was made to adjourn by Lynne Deane, seconded by Nick Bennett and unanimously approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 5:46 PM.

The above is respectfully submitted by the secretary…Bob Champ, June 10, 2008.