Contact Us


The District maintains mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and a phone number with several voicemail boxes to route your contact to the proper individuals that may assist you. Please note at the end of this page, the discussion on email SPAM and what the District has done.

CAUTION: In case of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

District Addresses

The District’s addresses are:

Function Mailing E-Mail
Payments, Business-related communications East Boulder County Water District
Business Office
PO Box 18641
Boulder CO 80308-1641.
Systems Operations, Laboratory Results East Boulder County Water District
System Operations
PO Box 18641
Boulder CO 80308-1641
All other communications East Boulder County Water District
PO Box 18641
Boulder CO 80308-1641

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The District's directors are required to be residents of the District and are nominated and elected through a public process for a specified term (see the By-Laws).

Office Name Contact Information Term Expires
President Mark A. Johns 303.554.0031 mailbox #3
May 2022
Vice-President Marsh Lavenau 303.554.0031 mailbox #4
May 2023
Secretary Bob Champ 303.554.0031 mailbox #5
May 2023
Treasurer Yvonne Gates 303.554.0031 mailbox #6
May 2023
Director Catherine Gee 303.554.0031 mailbox #7
May 2022

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System Operators

The District has contracted with Boulder Water Well for operations support, including performing locates, operating the distribution system, and performing other service delivery activities. The contact information is:

Name Contact Information
Peter O'Brien 303.554.0031 mailbox #2

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Business Office

The District has contracted with FLW, Inc. for accounting, billing, and bookkeeping support. The contact information is:

Mary Wagner 303.554.0031 mailbox #1

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IT Support and WebSite Maintenance

The District has contracted with Omni Netword Designs for IT support. A Director provides and website development and maintenance. The contact information is:

IT Support
Steven Anderson 303.554.0031 mailbox #10
Catherine Gee 303.554.0031 mailbox #9 

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The Directors are available at any Board Meeting during the "Public Comment" portion of the the Agenda. The meetings are held at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Board Meetings are held through the use of Zoom and the Directors are available through that platform.

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Anti-SPAM Email Efforts

Due to the excessive amount of SPAM arriving at District mailboxes, the District has implemented a substantially more aggressive SPAM prevention policy. This could mean that a very few legitimate emails may not be placed in the intended recipient's mailbox. If you have sent an email and there has not been a response within a reasonable time, please feel free to call the individual or functional area, as noted above.

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