Archive - 2012 -
Forms & Reports


The District utilizes several forms and generates several reports in order to conduct business and to notify customers and government agencies of District operations.


During the course of District operations various reports are generated for consumer and government use. These reports are available below.

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Water Quality

On an annual basis, the District is required by law to provide customers with a Consumer Confidence Report that provides information about the supplied drinking water. The District's report is filed with the State of Colorado, including the City of Lafayette's Consumer Confidence Report. Refer to the most recent Consumer Confidence Report detailing the quality of the water distributed to the District's customers. The report is also available from the Secretary.

Since the source of the water is the City of Lafayette, our report is minimal. The District performs required periodic testing for Microbiological Contaminants and reports the results to the State of Colorado. The most recent Lafayette Consumer Confidence Report is available for a detailed look at the water quality provided.

If you are the property owner, but are not the primary water user for the service location, please inform those water users of the availability of this year's Consumer Confidence Report availability on the website.

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